UK invests £21.5 million into carbon capture technology

carbon capture

Energy Minister Claire Perry has announced that the UK is to lead an international challenge with Saudi Arabia and Mexico to utilise carbon capture technology to remove CO2 from emissions

The global challenge will work to reduce the cost of innovative new technologies to remove carbon emissions. 

The UK has set out £21.5 million of funding for innovative new Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) technologies.

CCUS is where carbon from power stations or industry is captured then either used for industrial applications or transported to be stored safely underground, reducing pollution from the air we breathe.

The challenge will allow countries to work together to upscale innovative technologies.

It is one of 7 Mission Innovation challenges announced in 2015 at COP21. 

There is a global consensus that carbon capture will be critical in meeting the aims of the Paris Agreement and supporting clean growth.

Despite there being 22 plants in current operation or construction, the UK has the opportunity to become a world leader in this field.

Energy and Clean Growth Minister, Claire Perry said:

“My ambition is for the UK to become a global technology leader in carbon capture, working with international partners to reduce its costs.

“As the UK has led the debate globally on tackling climate change and pioneering clean growth, we are leading this global challenge with an initial £21.5 million investment in CCUS innovation – a key part of our modern Industrial Strategy.”

The government has committed to spend up to £162 million to improve CCUS and industrial energy efficiency.

As well as the potential to help reduce our emissions in industries through the manufacture of concrete, chemicals, steel, there are also opportunities to maximise economic opportunities for the UK through new technologies and the supply chain.

Government is working with industry to adopt CCUS in the UK by reducing its costs and capturing the export opportunities.

It is hoped that a A CCUS Cost Challenge Taskforce will report to government and Energy Minister Claire Perry will host an international CCUS summit with the International Energy Agency, in Edinburgh later this year.



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