£4m boost to volunteering among over 50s

Three new grants totally £4m have been announced to boost volunteering opportunities among the over 50s…

The Office for Civil Society and Nesta have today announced three new grants to explore how more charities and public services can better tap into the skills and experience of volunteers over 50.

The three grants funds will be funded by the government and managed Nesta as part of the second phase of the Centre for Social Action.

Research shows that as people live longer, volunteering can contribute to wellbeing in later life, with the three grants exploring how more people can be encouraged to volunteer and use their talent and experience.

The government believe that older volunteers already make and important contribution in supporting our hospitals, schools and local councils, and in such roles such as magistrates, first aiders and youth club leaders.

The three funds are, The Second Half Fund – Sharing Time and Talents for Life; Join In Stay In; and, Give More Get More – Exploring Intensive Volunteering.

The three new grants follow on from the Centre for Social Action Innovation fund. A three-year programme, which rallied more than 70,000 people to help 176,000 people, including the unemployed, get back into work.
Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson, said: These funds represent an excellent opportunity to replicate our fantastic achievements in youth volunteering and I urge as many organisations as possible to apply.

“The funds will encourage more people over the age of 50 to follow the example of their children and grandchildren, get out in their communities and help us build a Britain that works for everyone.”

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