Using protective therapies to reduce risks in acute care

Acute care

As your specialist in Acute Care, Draeger Medical UK Ltd is focused on providing protective therapy solutions in the operating room, intensive care unit and neonatal intensive care unit. The aim has always been to improve clinical outcomes and reduce risks in acute care; which has never been truer than in the time of a global pandemic

Protective ventilation in the operating room

We know that mechanical ventilation during anaesthesia is often vital. However, it can impair lung function, not only for patients with pre-existing conditions but those with healthy lungs. As ever there is increasing evidence that demonstrates the significant impact of lung-protective ventilation strategies in the OR including lower morbidity and mortality rates and decreased costs. On 11th May 2021, we ran a specialist webinar focusing on how best to work with patients with obesity, their BMI, fat distribution and the myth of ideal body weight.

Protective ventilationin intensive care

Mechanical ventilator-dependent patients require specialist acute care from admission to discharge and beyond. We appreciate and understand the necessity and benefits of variance of tools at different therapy phases. The ability to work with an individual patients needs through variability and diversity of treatment tools clearly improves clinical outcomes through appropriate and informed decision making. We not only support protective ventilation strategies that help prevent lung injury but also ensure proper patient oxygenation. From 20th May 2021 we ran a series of webinars starting with NIV and Helmet ventilation in the ICU with Prof. Federico Longhini. These were free to all registrants as part of our commitment to improve clinical outcomes through protective therapies. There is always something to learn and we want to support our customers in all areas of their business.

Protective ventilation in neonatal care

In Neonatal Care our goal is to protect fragile lungs and the developing brain. We aim to reduce the number of respiratory complications that negatively impact the long-term outcome and avoid preventable deaths. We support hospitals in providing highly sensitive, dedicated neonatal ventilation which can be adapted to the baby’s changing needs.

Protective thermoregulationAcute care

Alongside ventilation, thermoregulation plays a big part within the NICU. Avoiding cold or heat stress is a major goal, reducing this stress actively supports the patient to grow faster and gain weight. We offer tailor-made thermoregulation solutions, providing the right one depending on the baby’s condition and pathway.

Not only in NICU, but also during both inter-and intra-hospital transportation, we want to maintain a stable temperature for the baby, whilst providing humidity and respiratory care. This is key in preventing stress for the patient due to changing environments.

The developmental care approach

We believe the NICU should be a nurturing environment that supports all the complex needs of the baby’s developing brain and organs. An environment that is quiet and serene encourages a strong parent-baby bond, helping to support developing senses. Parents play an important role in the NICU and should be integrated into the care process. Each year we support International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day and World Prematurity Day to help address the concerns within neonatal care and improve the situation for both preterm babies and their families. Further staff satisfaction is ensured through hosting regular training events, including our clinical webinars presented by leading global experts within the neonatal community.

To support a neuro-protective care philosophy, our devices have low noise emissions and our sound monitoring equipment displays noise levels using a series of coloured lights, allowing the user to see when the unit is becoming too loud and harmful to the infants. Light also has a big impact on underdeveloped eyesight, stress, sleep and brain development. Alongside incubator covers, our devices have dimmable properties and our workplaces are built with a healing supportive environment in mind.

Comprehensive services

On top of enabling customers to provide protective therapies, we offer comprehensive services and solutions to protect the devices across their lifetime from install to replacement. We also protect our customers with our personal protective equipment (PPE). During the pandemic, we opened a dedicated factory to fulfil the safety requirements of our NHS and key workers – protecting them so they can protect us.

Hygiene and infection prevention

Part of protecting patients includes reducing the risk of nosocomial infections. Our products are designed with infection prevention and hygiene in mind. From replacing re-useable parts to single-use products. Reducing crevasses, corners and keeping parts to a minimum in device design, to providing regularly updated reprocessing and preparation device documentation. Throughout the pandemic it has been a priority of ours to support our customers through the supply of information, to aid the fight against COVID-19 and keep patients as safe as possible during their stay in hospital.

For more information please contact:


Draeger Medical UK Ltd

Tel: +44 (0) 1442 213 542


Draeger Safety UK Ltd

Tel: +44 (0) 1670 352 891


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