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Home Asia Analysis April 2022

    Asia Analysis April 2022

    We welcome Spring 2022 with our April volume of Asia Analysis, which includes a compelling mixture of articles on illuminating policy topics

    We are delighted to hear from Anantha Duraiappah, Director at UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, who describes a new social contract for education, including why science and evidence matter in today’s world. Policy must be grounded in science and evidence, he adds, but that is not always a 100% fool proof solution.

    Elsewhere, Simon Faulkner, Country Manager/Lead Project Manager at Wood Thilsted, sheds light on offshore wind energy in Taiwan. Find out in this engaging analysis how Asia rapidly embraces the benefits of green energy, evidenced by the Formosa 1 offshore wind farm in Taiwan.

    Our regular author Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan, turns the spotlight towards continuous and real-time soil health management – critical for sustained agriculture practices. The article considers the exponential demand for food production as the world population increases.

    If you have a passion for science, why not consult the thoughts of Martin Lukac, Associate Professor from the School of Engineering and Digital Sciences, Nazarbayev University, who discusses quantum computing, which harnesses the power of atomic and subatomic particles to perform high speed parallel computing?

    Stay with us readers to explore more thrilling avenues of knowledge in 2022 and beyond.