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Home Asia Analysis April 2023

    Asia Analysis April 2023

    You are warmly invited to the Spring edition of Asia Analysis, where you can find an assortment of absorbing policy articles on numerous topics

    Sit down and get comfy with a cup of tea. Why not start by reading about a new platform for scientific research cooperation between Taiwan and the United States, the Taiwan science and technology hub detailed here?

    Might you fancy something scientific? If so, why not pour over the words of Michael Good, Associate Professor, School of Sciences and Humanities, at Nazarbayev University, who helpfully walks us through nuclear energy and its role in our lives?

    Throughout this edition, we enjoy many academic profiles and commissioned editorials from the region of Asia, but we also sometimes offer our analysis.

    For example, we probe what is happening to support academic research and further scientific cooperation in Japan and beyond. We also unpack some of the research support in South Korea, including discussion in this vein about the pursuit of advancing knowledge and improving the quality of life.

    Again, we are delighted to welcome our regular contributor and expert, Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, who kindly explains how biodiversity plays a vital role in crop and soil health management.

    In another piece from the same company, Ruplekha Choudhurie, Senior Industry Analyst/Team Lead, walks us through nanomedicine, explaining a multipronged approach to tackling infectious diseases.

    Finally, you can also delve into our interview with Jared Low, Project Manager at MMA Global Aqua, Taiwan, who talks about his first impressions at the subsea mapping company and his predictions for the company’s future.

    On that cheerful note, I hope you will join us for many more editions of this insightful publication from the summer of 2023 and beyond.