AI Ethos: How governments are adapting to age of decision intelligence

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Image: @Jamesterohart | iStock

Chirag Karnik, CEO of Neyo Ltd., explains how ServiceNow AIOps and decision intelligence can redefine government operations, increase efficiency, and enhance citizen services

In today’s dynamic and data-driven world, governments around the globe are facing the pressing need to make faster, more accurate decisions that impact operational outcomes. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and the evolving field of decision intelligence are providing revolutionary solutions to this challenge.

According to Gartner, by 2024, 60% of government AI and data analytics investments will directly influence real-time operational decisions and outcomes. In this era of digital transformation, the integration of AI for decision intelligence is becoming paramount, and one platform at the forefront of this evolution is ServiceNow AIOps, coupled with ServiceNow ITOM.

The Imperative of AI for decision intelligence in government

In a world where information moves at the speed of light and risks lurk around every corner, governments must harness AI-driven decision intelligence to maintain their competitive edge. The benefits of this transformation are numerous and profound:

  1. Faster and More Accurate Decisions: Governments can leverage AI’s analytical prowess to swiftly process and interpret vast amounts of data, resulting in quicker and more informed decision-making. This is particularly crucial when time-sensitive matters require immediate attention.
  2. Rapid Risk Identification and Response: AI algorithms can identify patterns and anomalies that might indicate potential risks, enabling governments to take proactive measures to mitigate threats. This is especially vital in ensuring public safety and security.
  3. Enhanced Operational Efficiency: By automating decision-making processes, governments can streamline their operations, optimise resource allocation, and reduce bottlenecks leading to increased overall efficiency.
  4. Targeted Resource Allocation: AI-powered decision intelligence enables governments to allocate resources more effectively by analysing data patterns and predicting future needs, ensuring that resources are allocated where they are most needed.
  5. Improved Citizen Services: AI can help governments deliver better and more personalised services to citizens by leveraging data to understand their needs, preferences, and behaviours.

ServiceNow AIOps revolutionising decision intelligence

In the quest to actualise the potential of AI for decision intelligence, ServiceNow AIOps emerges as a pivotal tool for government institutions. This platform, integrated with ServiceNow ITOM, brings a suite of capabilities that can significantly elevate decision- making processes:

  • Automating Incident Response: ServiceNow AIOps automates incident identification and response. Through real-time monitoring and analysis of system performance, it can detect anomalies and initiate remediation processes, reducing downtime and service disruptions.
  • Reducing Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR): By analysing historical data, AIOps identifies patterns that forecast potential incidents. This allows governments to take preventive actions, thereby reducing MTTR and maintaining seamless service.
  • Improving Service Levels: Governments can ensure consistent service levels by utilising AIOps to monitor critical applications and pinpoint areas of improvement. This leads to better service delivery and enhanced citizen satisfaction.
  • Cost Reduction: Through automation, AIOps optimises operational tasks, saving governments both time and money. Generating operational reports and identifying cost-saving opportunities become streamlined processes.

Case studies: Power of ServiceNow AIOps in government institutions

Several government institutions have harnessed the power of ServiceNow AIOps to enhance their decision intelligence and operational efficiency:

  • City of Los Angeles: By leveraging ServiceNow AIOps, the city has successfully improved the availability of its critical services while minimising outages and disruptions.
  • State of California: Implementing ServiceNow AIOps has empowered the state to proactively detect and respond to cybersecurity threats, bolstering its security posture.
  • United States Department of Defence – DoD: Through ServiceNow AIOps, the DoD has optimised its IT infrastructure, thereby reducing operational costs and improving overall efficiency.

The synergy of ServiceNow ITOM and AIOps

The bedrock of ServiceNow AIOps is ServiceNow ITOM, a crucial component that provides the necessary data and insights to enable AI-powered decision intelligence. ServiceNow ITOM offers:

  • Comprehensive Data Collection: ServiceNow ITOM gathers data on IT system performance, including CPU utilisation, memory usage, and network traffic. This data forms the foundation for AIOps to identify anomalies and predict incidents.
  • Root Cause Analysis: By uncovering relationships between different IT systems and services, ServiceNow ITOM aids AIOps in developing preventive measures and reducing the likelihood of incidents.
  • Actionable Insights: ServiceNow ITOM generates reports on IT operations, helping AIOps identify areas where cost savings can be achieved and providing insights for strategic decision-making.

Embracing the future: ServiceNow AIOps in government decision intelligence

The road to harnessing the full potential of ServiceNow AIOps for decision intelligence requires governments to overcome certain challenges:

  1. Data Quality:
    • Governments must address the issue of siloed and poor- quality data to ensure the accuracy of AI-driven insights. ServiceNow AIOps integrates with ServiceNow ITOM to consolidate data from various sources and systems, providing a unified view of IT operations.
    • Through automated data collection and normalisation, AIOps ensures that the data used for decision-making is accurate and up-to-date, minimising the impact of siloed and poor-quality data.
  2. Technical Expertise:
    • Developing and deploying AI solutions demands technical expertise, highlighting the importance of building skilled teams as well as utilising dedicated ServiceNow Implementation partners. With the help of a ServiceNow partner, governments can save money long term, as building a full in-house team will not be needed.
  3. Ethical Governance:
    • Governments must establish robust governance frameworks to ensure ethical and responsible AI utilisation. ServiceNow provides governance and compliance features that allow governments to define policies, rules, and access controls for AI utilisation.

This ensures that AI processes align with ethical and regulatory standards. Additionally, ServiceNow’s audit trail capabilities track AI-related activities, fostering transparency and accountability in AI utilisation.

In conclusion, the synergy of ServiceNow AIOps and decision intelligence has the potential to redefine government operations, fostering efficiency and elevating citizen services. By adopting AI-powered solutions and embracing the transformation journey, governments can not only make faster and more accurate decisions but also unlock a future where innovation and impact go hand in hand.

As Gartner predicts, the integration of AI for decision intelligence is no longer an option but a strategic imperative that will shape the course of government excellence in the years to come. In the realm of AI-infused decision intelligence, opportunities abound for those who dare to embrace change. Connect with Neyo at to explore the potential of AIOps in your organisation.

Please Note: This is a Commercial Profile


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