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Home Asia Analysis January 2024
Asia Analysis January 2024

Asia Analysis January 2024

Welcome to Asia Analysis January 2024! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season and warmly welcome you to this exciting first edition of the New Year. This policy-driven publication provides a wide range of editorial and research features

For instance, how will the ageing of the population affect care delivery and sustainability? We asked Dr Yukari Nakano, Executive Officer at the Japanese Nursing Association, who provided an intriguing answer.

Returning contributor, Prof Dr Preethi Kesavan, Head of the School of Advanced Technology and Digital Media at LSBF Singapore, uses the Japanese example to discuss the potential of scientific advancement and innovation.

Or learn more about the health impacts of radiation exposure, including the different radiation sources and how they affect human health. Did you know that following the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, MEXT initiated off-shore radiation monitoring projects in Japan? Find out more in this insightful analysis.

Another frequent contributor, Research Director of Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision, Aarthi Janakiraman, discusses the need for a holistic strategy to tackle soil degradation. For instance, we learn that soil degradation ranks as one of the top global concerns raised to prominence due to climate change and associated impacts.

Please join us for further deep-dive subjects in more 2024 editions and beyond.