Home Professor Samantha Punch – Bridge: A MindSport for All – University of Stirling

    Samantha Punch

    Professor of Sociology
    Bridge: A MindSport for All - University of Stirling

    Samantha Punch is Professor of Sociology in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Stirling. As a bridge player representing Scotland since 2008, she is developing the sociology of mindsport as a new and innovative field of research and teaching. She leads the international project, Bridge: A MindSport for All (https://bridgemindsport.org). BAMSA research explores bridge and social interactions, emotions, motivations, training and development, bridge promotion, gender, identities, and digital bridge. Her research interests were previously within the sociology of childhood and youth. BAMSA’s new research project on mindsport education is exploring the opportunities and challenges for bridge, youth and schools in Europe and North America.

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