Home Olivera Stojilović Trivunić – Foodscale Hub

    Olivera Stojilović Trivunić

    Head of Ecosystem Development
    Foodscale Hub

    Olivera Stojilović Trivunić is the Head of Ecosystem Development at Foodscale Hub and a sustainability scientist. She has over six years of experience in science communication and STEM empowerment currently working in the domain of bioeconomy, capacity raising and ecosystem building. Her experience in applied and basic science research and project implementation allowed her to work with both aquatic and land systems with organization such as the Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province and Prince of Songkla University in areas of socio-ecological systems. Olivera has experience in running large-scale projects of international EU-funded origin focused on increasing R&I capabilities and food system innovations.

    Contributor's Details

    Phone: +381 64 502 52 32
    Website: Visit Website