S.B.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965, Electrical Engineering
S.M.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967, Electrical Engineering
Ph.D.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1969, Electrical Engineering and Operations Research
January 2018 – present. Professor (Post-Tenure), MIT.
2015 – January 2018. Professor, MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS).
2005 – 2015. Founding Director, Center for Engineering Systems Fundamentals (CESF), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA
2004-2018. Mitsui Professorship, Engineering Systems Division, now IDSS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA
2001 – 2016. Founding Director, MIT LINC, Learning International Networks Consortium (LINC), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA
2003-2015. Professor, Depart. of Civil & Environmental Eng. & Engineering Systems Division, MIT, Cambridge, MA
1988 – 2003 Professor, Electrical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA, MIT, Cambridge, MA
1979 – 1988 Professor, Electrical Engineering and Urban Studies & Planning
1972 – 1979 Assoc. Professor, Urban Studies & Planning and Elec. Engineering & Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA
1971 – 1972 Assist. Professor, Urban Studies & Planning and Elec. Engineering & Computer Science, MIT, Cambridge, MA
1969 – 1971 Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA
Significant Publications:
Larson, Richard C. and Mauricio Gomez Diaz, “Nonfixed Retirement Age for University Professors: Modeling Its Effects on New Faculty Hires,” Service Science, V. 4, No. 1, March 2012, p. 69-78.
“Magnified Effects of Changes in NIH Research Funding Levels,” R. C. Larson, Navid Ghaffarzadegan, Mauricio Gomez Diaz, Service Science, V. 4, No. 4, 2012, pp. 382-395.
Larson, Richard C., Navid Ghaffarzadegan, Yi Xue, “Too Many Ph.D. Graduates or Too Few Academic Job Openings: The Basic Reproductive Number R0 in Academia,” Systems Research and Behavioral Science (2013) published online DOI: 10.1002/sres.2210.
Xue, Yi, Richard C. Larson, “STEM crisis or STEM surplus? Yes and yes,” Monthly Labor Review, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, May 2015. Given Best-Paper-of-the-Year Award, Lawrence M. Klein Fund. Available online (cited in numerous places including Amicus brief for the Fisher vs. University of Texas Supreme Court case)
Andalib, Maryam, Navid Ghaffarzadegan, Richard Larson, “The Postdoc Queue: A Labour Force in Waiting,” Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2018. Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/sres.2510.
Five other significant publications:
Larson, R. C. “Commentary—Smart Service Systems: Bridging the Silos,” Service Science, 8(4):359-367, 2016.
Larson, Richard C., “Cross-Sectional Surveys: Inferring Total Eventual Time in Current State Using Only Elapsed Time-to-Date,” Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. September 24, 2016,
Larson, R. C. and M. E. Murray, “Distance Learning as a Tool for Poverty Reduction and Economic Development: A Focus on China and Mexico,” Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 17, No. 2, April 2008, 175 – 196.
Larson, R.C., “The Queue Inference Engine: Deducing Queue Statistics from Transactional Data.” Management Science 36(5):586-601, May 1990.
Larson, R. C., “Service Science: At the Intersection of Management, Social, & Engineering Sciences,” IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 47, No. 1, pp. 41-52, 2008.
Synergistic activities:
Reviewer/Panelist/ Consultant to Federal, State and Local Agencies (including National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Justice, NAS, Massachusetts Department of Education, New York City Fire Department)
Founder, MIT LINC, Learning International Networks Consortium.
Founder and PI: MIT BLOSSOMS.
Stream Editor, “For Teachers and their Classes,” International Journal on Innovations in Online Education.
Designed and led STEM High School Teacher BLOSSOMS Training Workshops – Massachusetts, R.I., New York, Delaware, Washington, D.C., Florida. Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Lebanon, China, Japan, Mexico.
Member, Board of Directors, Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School, Lawrence, Massachusetts