Evolve programme gives students with skills for future careers in robotics, AI, and nuclear energy

Studying Robotic Arm
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The Evolve programme has already involved over 100 students from 11 schools in West Cumbria, including home-educated learners, offering them a unique opportunity to develop essential skills for their future careers

The program takes place over five days and is held throughout the year on selected weeks. It is designed to give students hands-on experience in solving real-world challenges.

Helping future generations thrive in modern careers

The programme focuses on providing participants with the tools and knowledge they need to thrive in modern careers, particularly in robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), and engineering.

Throughout the week, students work as part of a project team to tackle a difficult problem: the remote monitoring of extensive pipework at Sellafield.

This pipework is vital to the site’s functioning, and finding innovative ways to monitor and maintain it is crucial. The learners’ task is to investigate, design, and propose technological solutions for remote inspection, giving them a deeper understanding of the challenges faced in critical industries like nuclear energy.

At the end of the week, students present their solutions to a team from Sellafield Ltd, which offers them a valuable opportunity to engage with industry professionals and receive feedback on their ideas. This process encourages collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving, skills vital in any career, particularly in technical fields like robotics and AI.

Careers in the nuclear industry

Participants meet and collaborate with professionals from diverse areas within Sellafield Ltd, including robotics, engineering, project management, quality assurance, and commissioning.

This exposure helps students see the variety of career paths available to them in the nuclear and energy sectors, expanding their understanding of the industry and its importance.

The Evolve programme extends beyond technical learning to emphasise essential personal and professional skills, such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving.

These skills are integral to success in the workplace, regardless of the industry. The programme also encourages students to think creatively and approach challenges with an innovative mindset.

Opportunities set by the programme

A major point of the programme is the opportunity for students to tour the RAICo1 facility in Whitehaven, a hub for robotics and AI innovation.

They also attend demonstrations from leading organisations, such as UKAEA (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority), the University of Manchester, and Sellafield Ltd.

These interactions help students to connect their theoretical knowledge with real-world applications, giving them a clearer picture of how the technologies they’re studying are used in practice.

By allowing these students to access these unique learning experiences, Evolve promotes a deeper understanding of the secular industry and encourages young people to consider exciting and viable careers in emerging technologies.

The programme is a strong tool for developing the next generation of skilled professionals, ensuring that Sellafield Ltd and similar companies have the expertise needed to address future challenges in energy and technology.

Overall, Evolve offers much more than just an educational experience; it enables a dynamic learning environment where students can improve their skills, explore potential careers, and contribute to solving real-world problems. This approach is essential in creating a workforce ready to embrace the future of technology, particularly emphasising the nuclear sector’s role in shaping that future.

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