Home Angelo DePaola – Angelo DePaola Consulting LLC

    Angelo DePaola

    Angelo DePaola Consulting LLC

    Andy DePaola is a visionary leader who is globally recognized for putting ideas into action and achieving transformational outcomes in a wide range of food safety aspects ranging from research, risk assessment and risk management. He established a world class research program on pathogenic Vibrios in seafood during his 37-year career with USFDA as Lead Seafood Microbiologist. He authored over 100 journal publications, numerous book chapters, international risk assessments and several patents. He developed molecular pathogen detection approaches and transferred this technology to the food safety community greatly reducing analytical times from weeks to hours. He investigated epidemics and pandemics globally and contributed to impactful discoveries including the seasonal and geographical expansion of Vibriosis resulting from climate change. Upon retirement, he established Depe Oysters, which operates farms in several areas in coastal Alabama. He patented the Shellevator™ in 2017, a breakthrough invention that pneumatically automates transport of shellfish from the sea floor to above the sea surface and provides seamless portability to escape hazards to shellfish and humans. This invention finished in the top 100 in the Carbon Dioxide Removal XPRIZE in 2024. He is also a food safety consultant advising industry, prominent universities and international organizations.

    Contributor's Details

    Phone: +1 251 455 3035
    Website: Visit Website