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Home Open Access Government November 2017

    Open Access Government November 2017

    Open Access Government November 2017

    Open Access Government November 2017 looks at topics such as health, research, Blockchain, security, agriculture, and transport.

    A selection is given below:

    The EU’s ‘One Health’ on tackling antimicrobial resistance

    European Commissioner for Health and Food safety Vytenis Andriukaitis outlines the EU’s ‘One Health’ approach to tackling antimicrobial resistance

    Suicide: A major public health concern

    Dr. Jane Pearson from NIMH highlights suicide as a public health concern and addresses how it can be prevented and the contributing factors behind it

    The role of education and educational research for a sustainable future

    The European Educational Research Association stresses the important role of education in helping people to participate in a democratic society

    Denmark in Horizon 2020 – size, shape and substance

    Niels C. Beier, Deputy Director of the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education explains Denmark in Horizon 2020 and the framework programme

    Looking forward to the future of chemistry

    Angela Wilson and Carol A. Bessel from the Division of Chemistry (CHE) at the National NSF provide a fascinating insight into the future of chemistry

    Maintaining international collaboration: Chemistry has no nationality

    Royal Society of Chemistry President Professor Sir John Holman reflects on the importance of maintaining international collaboration following Brexit

    The rise and future of Blockchain

    In this article, the founder and co-founder of the Blockchain Federation provide insight into the future for a blockchain-based purpose-economy

    Linking consumption and production

    James Lomax from the Economy Division at UN Environment offers his thoughts on the policy priorities for global food systems

    Searching for the silver bullet: towards a more effective Security Union

    European Commissioner for Security Union Julian King underlines the role of the EU and national governments in keeping citizens safe

    A renewed relationship with Indigenous peoples and Indigenous affairs

    In this article, Minister Carolyn Bennett details her key priorities concerning the advancement of Indigenous Affairs in Canada

    The European Union explores new approaches to marine health

    Karmenu Vella explains how EU policies will innovate our approach to oceans and help to ensure the marine health of our planet