North America Analysis
Home North America Analysis February 2018

    North America Analysis February 2018

    Welcome to the February 2018 edition of North America Analysis. One of the highlights of this packed edition is a fascinating guest article from Richard F. Green, Director, Division of Astronomical Sciences at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) who explores the wonders of astronomy and the amazing universe of discovery.

    Following on from that, Erwin Gianchandani and Michal Ziv-El from the National Science Foundation (NSF) provide a fascinating observation into how fundamental computing research is profoundly transforming our lives today.

    This insightful edition is certainly full of this and many more profound perceptions, but one that really struck me came from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Jaime Adams, senior advisor for international affairs argues that we need open data policies, especially in government so that we can feed the world. She expands on this point further, by saying: “This global perspective will help identify existing data and data gaps and sharpen the focus on how open data can foster innovation and collaborative research, enabling comprehensive solution sets.”

    In further inspiring US content, Senior Research Advisor from the American Association of Geographers, Yonette Thomas, Ph.D. discusses the important role that geography can play in addressing global health needs, in terms of both research and practice.


    Then, heading up the Canada section, Canada’s Minister of Transport, The Honourable Marc Garneau explores the Oceans Protection Plan and how this is transforming marine safety in Canada today. Also, Dr. Fang Liu, Secretary-General of the International Civil Aviation Organization, explores how international aviation contributes to Agenda 2030 by empowering local sustainable development through global connections.

    I hope that you find this wide-ranging edition both thought-provoking and useful. I would certainly welcome any comments you have on this February 2018 edition. Please also feel free to drop me a line about any suggestions for content you might like to supply in the future.

    Jonathan Miles

