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Home Shaping tomorrow with you: How local government can benefit from document management technology

    Shaping tomorrow with you: How local government can benefit from document management technology

    Andrew Cowling at Fujitsu Scanners explains how local government can benefit from document management technology, as well as his thoughts on GDPR-compliance

    To kick things off, Andrew Cowling at Fujitsu Scanners outlines how local government could benefit from document management technology for efficiency gains and a reduction in their costs. Local government bodies are under growing pressure as they are increasingly being faced with challenges that question the current status quo such as demands for instant access to information online, freedom of information legislation, heightened security, compliance and regulations – all of which raise the need and desire for more efficient ways of working.

    The solution is that the firm’s document management technology enables the demands for higher productivity and improved service delivery to be met at a significantly reduced cost, both in terms of money and time, according to Cowling. Looking at the wider picture, Cowling explains that technology is seen as a catalyst for change, indeed not only will the service to the public be increased but embracing digital transformation will also help create and retain a more efficient and motivated workforce.

    In another insightful comment piece, Cowling imparts his expertise on why it is important to consider digital processes to help towards GDPR-compliance and the wider digital transformation benefits. One very important point highlighted is that the 25th May is rapidly looming, indeed by this time organisations must have established GDPR-compliant policies in place to ensure that anyone holding personally identifiable data can prove the consent, the security and the management of that data.

    The piece also provides the lowdown on Fujitsu Scanners exciting, versatile and compact fi-7460 and fi-7480 desktop scanners which can be sure to start the digital transformation journey of any business. In addition, we find out how the Scanner Central Admin software enables the fi-7460 and fi-7480 to be managed and maintained along with other Fujitsu Scanners from a single location.

    Finally, we learn about the fi-7600 and fi-7700 products which help you reliably produce digital information from paper documents content, in back-office applications, specific line-of-business processes and right across the organisation. These models combine heavy-duty durability and high volume mixed batch capture within a single device.

    While there is a wide array of marvellous products offered, Fujitsu Scanners certainly have a well-deserved reputation for being the most reliable and hard-wearing devices on the market, offering compliance, transparency efficiencies and cost savings.

    You can find out more about how Fujitsu document scanners can help support local government bodies in adopting or developing their document management capabilities by contacting them at