Open Access Government delve into the CBD oil revolution in this introduction to CBD which explores the difference between CBD and THC, as well as a range of benefits and safety precautions for cannabidiol use in cancer patients and pregnant women

If you haven’t heard of CBD oil by now, then you’ve probably been living under a rock. The buzz around cannabidiol has been growing intensely over the past few years as more people seek holistic remedies, rather than visiting their GP. Whether this is due to the increasing waiting times in the NHS or the surge in natural healthcare, that is for you to decide. But what do we actually know about this growing trend?

Benefits of CBD oil

CBD Oil has been thoroughly studied as the demand for its availability has soared. People are turning to CBD oil to help ease pain, anxiety and even to fight the side effects of cancer treatment. Some pet owners have even been administering CBD oil to their elderly furry family members to manage pain and help with anxious behaviour. Since CBD was legalised in the UK in 2018, today you will find products everywhere, along with a growing consensus to see medical cannabis available on prescription. Find a guide to the Top 7 uses of benefits of CBD oil here:

According to research by one of our contributors (Eos Scientific) 24% of Brits, prefer to manage their mental health with holistic remedies (35% of those aged 18-34) and 38% would use CBD oil to manage their mental health (50% of those aged 18-34).

Some other benefits can include:

CBD oil and Cancer

The potential of cannabinoids to ease the symptoms of cancer has been discussed since pre-clinical research papers in the early 1970s. While the ability of cannabinoids to alleviate the symptoms of cancer is widely accepted, pre-clinical studies suggest that cannabinoids may be effective in the actual treatment of multiple cancer types. Find out more here:

CBD vs THC – What is the difference?

CBD and THC have the exact same molecular structure: 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and 2 oxygen atoms. However, they don’t have the same psychoactive effects because CBD is a nonpsychoactive compound. Meaning, it doesn’t produce the “high” that THC does.

CBD is available in a variety of strengths in a number of different forms such as sweets, creams, oils, drinks and more but it is important to administer the correct dosage to suit your needs. It can take time for your body to adjust before you start seeing a difference so it is important to seek professional advice for an appropriate dosage and patience before you increase the amount.

Is it safe to use during pregnancy?

During pregnancy many women suffer from vomiting and nausea, some case may be quite severe, getting in the way of everyday life. CBD oil has been known to help alleviate nausea so some women have been turning to it for a solution to their pregnancy woes. As CBD oil is promoted as a natural remedy, many women believe it to be a healthier alternative to standard medications. 70% of women surveyed in the United States believe that there is “slight or no risk of harm” in cannabis use during pregnancy. However, there are some concerns that CBD use during pregnancy can cause potential harm to a developing baby. This possibility is supported by data emerging from several epidemiological studies in North America and Europe.

These studies report increased impulsivity, attention deficit, hyperactivity, delinquent behaviours, and impaired memory in children, and higher rates of depression, drug abuse, memory deficits, and psychosis in adolescents and adults. A key question is whether there is a safe level of maternal marijuana use. Read the full study here:

Future of CBD market

According to research commissioned by the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis in November 2019, the CBD market is expected to be worth almost £1 billion by 2025 – it is currently worth £300 million in the UK. Read the full researh here –


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