North America Analysis
Home AG: North America Analysis

    AG: North America Analysis

    Welcome to the AG – North America Analysis. In this special edition we highlight a number of key features regarding North American countries

    Shining light on areas such as healthcare, agriculture, and research, the publication features a number of contributors specifically from Canada and the US.

    Focusing on a number of topics within each section, the analysis begins with a Canada focus. The Canada section of the supplement kicks off with a piece from Ted Hewitt, President of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in Canada. It highlights the importance of efforts to internationalise social and humanities research across the Atlantic, and specifically looks at a programme called ‘Digging for Data’, which explores new methods for harnessing ‘big data’. The section also features an article from the Ministry for Education in Ontario, which details the importance of ensuring everyone receives education in that region.

    Other topics covered in the Canada section include illegal fishing, with an article from the Minister for Fisheries in Canada, the Honourable Dominic Le Blanc. The article from Minister Le Blanc details the devastating effects of illegal and unreported fishing on Canada’s fish stocks. Other articles include an article looking at Canada’s energy policy by Minister of Natural Resources in Canada, James Gordon Carr, and a piece from the Canadian Institutes of Health – Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction.

    As the US gears up for its much debated general election and the people of America decide who they want as their next President, in the USA section of the analysis we cover topics such as research agriculture and neurodegenerative disorders. For example, an interview with Melinda Kelley at the National Institute of Aging, within the National Institutes of Health, highlights the work they do to maintain funding for research into Alzheimer’s disease.

    We also look at the work of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture at the US Department of Agriculture, on food safety. The article highlights a number of food safety measures being researched in various organisations and how they are integral in an ever changing climate. Other areas looked at include: water quality; reducing the impact of climate change on agriculture; and physics.

    We do hope that you find this North America Analysis interesting and of use. We welcome any comments that you may have.