How to advance your career in public policy   

career development

If you’re seeking a career in the governmental or non-profit sectors, a Master of Public Administration could provide the step up you need…

If you’ve decided to advance your career through a professional qualification, you might be considering an MBA. But if your career plan is for the public, governmental or NGO sector, you should seriously consider the non-profit alternative: the Master of Public Administration. Being a professional and graduate level qualification, the Master of Public Administration – or MPA – can provide a clear advantage if you need to understand the drivers of policy, how policy-making works and why some policies fail while others flourish.

The key choice is about the career direction you seek. Put simply, an MBA trains you in how a business runs and the practices that make it successful – by which we normally mean more profitable. By comparison, MPA students start with a radically different question: how can we use empirical analysis of a problem to deploy the tools of public policy to make the world a better place.

What do we mean by ‘better’?

If it’s societal gain rather than business profit that drives your career, an MPA could give you decisive advantages. And there’s no better place to study public policy than the heart of London, one of the world’s most diverse and cosmopolitan capitals. Here at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), our mission since our founding in 1895 has been ‘to understand the causes of things for the benefit of society’, which perfectly encapsulates the MPA philosophy.

Through its Institute of Public Affairs, LSE offers world-class training in public policy, with its full-time MPA and an Executive Master of Public Administration (EMPA). Both degrees are inter-disciplinary, graduate programmes that emphasise core skills in economics, policy evaluation and political science, and how these can be applied to analyse policies in a broad range of settings. Our MPA is taught full-time over two years on campus in London. Our Executive Master of Public Administration is specifically targeted at working professionals, with participants staying in full-time employment but visiting LSE for intensive week-long modules and some weekend teaching over a 19 month period. Tuition is provided by LSE’s world-class faculty and senior policy practitioners. Additional teaching support and assessment is provided online.

Visit to learn what the MPA can offer you.

Paul Sullivan

Manager of the Institute of Public Affairs

London School of Economics and Political Science


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