Science-based solutions for climate change and air quality research

air quality, climate science
© Jarmo Piironen

Academic experts from the University of Helsinki, Finland, examine the vital work of the Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Flagship, including climate change and air quality

Using research and research data, the Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Flagship will create opportunities in Finland, the European Union and the world to reach the Paris climate targets.

The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) is a Finnish Flagship constituted by the University of Helsinki, Tampere University, University of Eastern Finland and the Finnish Meteorological Institute working to address two of the most urgent global Grand Challenges: climate change and deteriorating air quality.

Climate change and air quality

The ACCC Flagship aims to respond to climate change and air quality challenges by producing practical solutions based on cutting-edge research. Examples of such solutions are novel measurement instruments, open data services and tailored education modules as well as verification concepts for land-based carbon sinks. Increasing the scientific understanding of different actors contributes to the creation of sustainable innovations. The Flagship’s research can create potential breakthroughs in atmospheric sciences and support Finland, the EU and the world’s countries in reaching climate targets.

High-quality research helps to understand the challenges associated with climate change and air quality, yet cannot alone provide comprehensive solutions. Through partnerships, the Flagship will, therefore, support evidence-based policy and climate-friendly development in various sectors. The Flagship collaborates with research organisations, companies, educational institutions and the non-profit sector. Globally, the work will make use of international research and measurement networks and science diplomacy.

You can watch the ACCC Flagship introduction video:

For more details on our Impact and Research programmes, see our ACCC brochure.

air quality, climate science
You can find an introduction to Academy of Finland Flagships in the above linked brochure

Supporting excellent research

ACCC is part of the Academy of Finland’s Flagship Programme. As the national science and research funding organisation, The Academy of Finland works to support excellent research and its impact on society. The ACCC was awarded Flagship status in 2020 following its commitment to bring together atmospheric and climate science with the private and public sector. In this spirit, the ACCC hosted the ACCC Impact Week: Co-designing Science-Based Solutions to open the floor to multi-sectoral collaboration, knowledge exchange and open discussions.

Co-designing science-based solutions for safe climate and clean air:

#ACCCImpact Week

The ACCC hosted the ACCC Impact Week on Co-designing Science-based Solutions for Safe Climate and Clean Air (7th-10th December 2021), designed to offer an arena for dialogue between Earth System scientists and society stakeholders interested in the co-creation of science-based solutions for climate change and air quality through a series of panel discussions and working groups.

The Impact Week included themed days, namely:

1) Excellent Science Connecting Researchers and Stakeholder Communities, including the Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial seminar on Atmosphere & Earth System Sciences

2) Climate Change & Air Quality Forum, with a focus on the Green Transition

3) Arctic Science Collaborations (AASCO, funded by Prince Albert II Foundation), including identifying key gaps of research infrastructures and data in the Arctic region

4) Climate and Air Quality Society Roundtable for Stakeholders, including a “Climate Actions by societies and civil engagement” panel discussion

air quality, climate science

*This is a commercial profile.

© 2019. This work is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND.


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