Planning Inspectorate to review application to reopen and upgrade Manston Aiport

Manston Airport

The Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government has accepted an application from the Planning Inspectorate to reopen and upgrade Manston Airport

The plans for the Manston Airport will allow for 12,000 air cargo movements per year as well as some passenger services.

Sarah Richards, Chief Executive, Planning Inspectorate said. “After careful consideration we have decided on behalf of the Secretary of State that the application submitted by RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd met the required tests set out in the legislation to be accepted for examination”.

“The decision has been made within the statutory deadline. It demonstrates our ability to deliver a predictable, fair and efficient examination process that provides certainty for everyone involved.”

Moving forward, the applicant, RiverOak Strategic Partners Ltd will now need to publicise that the application has been accepted for examination and invite those who may be interested in the proposal to register with the Planning Inspectorate as an interested party.

Once the application process is open for any interested parties, people will be able to register online with the Planning Inspectorate by visiting the project’s page and completing the online ‘Registration and Relevant Representation form’.

Interested parties in an application can:

  • Say what they agree or disagree with in the application and why;
  • Comment on what other people have said in their representations;
  • Attend a Preliminary Meeting and say how they think the application should be examined;
  • Request that an open floor hearing is held; and
  • Attend and request to speak at open floor or issue-specific hearings should one be held.

Those without internet access may call the Planning Inspectorate helpline: 0303 444 5000 for a printed registration form.

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