Home 2024


Group of wild geese in sunset

Cuba’s first motus tower for tracking migrant land birds

Keith Hobson, Professor and Research Scientist at Environment and Climate Change Canada and Western University, discusses updates in the expansion of tracking migratory birds in Central and South America, and the Caribbean.

Lithos crop protect: Food safety needs natural plant protection

Here, we learn that Lithos Crop Protect works on greener agriculture thanks to EU innovation funding.

Harnessing crop breeding innovations for a sustainable agricultural future

Dr. Sebastian Schultheiss, Co-Founder and Managing Director at Computomics, walks us through harnessing crop breeding innovations for a sustainable agricultural future.
Figure 1: Conceptual model on how biofertilizers can boost the integration of agroecology and precision agriculture techniques.

Integrating biofertilizers and precision agriculture

This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the integration of biofertilisers and precision agriculture, with the aim of creating a virtuous circle of agricultural growth and sustainability, by Cristina Cruz and Teresa Dias of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.
A low angle view of a cute adorable 7 week old Chocolate Labrador Retriever puppy eating from a red dog dish that is sitting on a dark hardwood floor with a white baseboard and teal colored wall in the background

Sustainably developing great-tasting pet foods

Samantha Combe and Melissa Vanchina from Hill’s Pet Nutrition discuss the environmental impact of pet food, with a specific focus on sustainable alternatives to food palatants.

Enhancing irrigation effectiveness in vineyards with innovative technologies

Professor Pete W. Jacoby, from Washington State University, walks us through enhancing irrigation effectiveness in vineyards with innovative technologies like automated irrigation.

Antimicrobial food packaging: Challenges and achievements

Dr Kay Cooksey, Professor and Cryovac Chair at Clemson University, shares the potential of antimicrobial food packaging in mitigating microbial growth and the obstacles that have hindered the development of commercially available products thus far.
Hmong Family Eating Organic Food Chiang Mai, Thailand

Combatting NCDs using Plant-based Proteins and Animal-Waste Products

Professor Apichart Vanavichit, PhD, a Rice Genomic Breeding Expert at the Rice Science Center, walks us through high-quality crop-based and ovo-based protein hydrolysates to combat non-communicable diseases in Thailand, specifically among its ageing population.
Outdoor photo-bioreactors seize natural sunlight to cultivate microalgae (left), while the light conditions could be controlled for indoor photo-bioreactors creating a Sustainable source of protein

Microalgae as a sustainable source of protein and food ingredients

Microalgae can be an alternative sustainable source of protein and functional food ingredients that have the potential to improve gut and liver health.
Figure 1: A. Agroecological farming methods, “Parelheiros”, to produce greens to be marketed at local co-operatives in Sao Paulo, Brazil. B. A field of wheat grown using conventional farming methods in the UK

Urban living laboratories: Opportunities for modelling sustainability transitions

Here, a group of academics present Urban Living Laboratories to study sustainable food production systems, using systems dynamic modelling to analyse policy alternatives.
Figure 2: Oyster farming in the Matsushima Bay

Bamboo circulation in Satoyama and Satoumi: Japan’s hilly and coastal areas

Professor Saijo Kiyoshi at the Miyagi University of Education explains the work behind the bamboo circulation project of 2020, focusing on bamboo growth and utilization in Satoyama and Satoumi.
Yellow British fishing boat trawler alone in the English channel islands waters after leaving EU with no French fisherman boats or nets in view. Territorial waters under England's control.

The Fish-X project: Supporting EU small-scale fisheries going digital

The implementation of innovative data management and data collection tools will help support the sustainable development of EU fisheries; learn how the Fish-X project will support this digital transition of small-scale fisheries.
vineyards on a dry sunny day, drip irrigation to prevent drought

Optimising subsurface drip irrigation for effective drought defence

Professor Pete W. Jacoby from Washington State University describes how the innovative use of drip irrigation can enhance vineyard resilience to drought.

Supporting Europe’s transition to climate-neutral farming

We hear from ClieNFarms, an Innovation Action project funded by the European Commission to support the European Green Deal and achieve climate-neutral farming across Europe’s agricultural industry by 2050.
Cracked dry land as a result of drought caused by human environmental degradation such as deforestation, bad agricultural practices, intense farming and reduced space for natural forests and habitats.

The effect of soil degradation on human, animal and plant health

Dr. Christine Sprunger, soil scientist and ecologist at W.K. Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) and the Department of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences at Michigan State University, discusses the danger of soil degradation on human and animal life, and what we can do to mitigate it.
A close-up shot of an unrecognisable woman holding a bunch of fresh vegetables which includes tomatoes, beetroots, carrots radishes, cabbage, and celery, food production

Renewfood manufacturing: Food production for a nourished, resilient nation

Dr Kang Lan Tee, Matthew Hutchinson, Joe Price and Professor Tuck Seng Wong from the University of Sheffield explain the importance of re-imagining food production to support people and the planet.
Fresh picked rainbow carrots including different coloured carrots. Colourful carrot varieties that are fashionable now.

Genetic mechanisms of pigment accumulation in carrot colours

We hear from Philipp Simon, from the USDA, Agricultural Research Service & University of Wisconsin, Madison, about how a kaleidoscope of colors reveals new genetic mechanisms of pigment accumulation in carrot colors.
Fresh young green, yellow and red chard vegetable seedlings having just germinated in soil slowly rise above the soil with a very shallow depth of field.

Organic soil amendments: Enhancing vegetable production & soil health in Puerto Rico

Ermita Hernandez Heredia, Associate Professor from the University of Puerto Rico, details enhancing vegetable production and soil health in Puerto Rico in this organic soil amendments particular focus.
Rabbit in a cage at a exhibition

Animal ethics in relation to desensitisation and extreme compartmentalisation

Dr Rebekah Humphreys, a Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Wales Trinity St David, Lampeter, discusses animal ethics and the morality of our treatment of animals in testing and intensive farming.
food waste concept

Zero food waste city 2049: Identifying barriers to transition pathways

An Urban Living Lab in the UK have tested newly integrated systems approaches and valuation methods to understand how to reduce the city’s food waste.

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