Home 2023


In the footsteps of Carl von Linné: Sustainable food production

Refarm Linné strives to increase sustainable food production throughout the country, through local, sustainable, and circular production, both in the city and the countryside.
agriculture and social welfare, people gardening

Exploring the partnership between the agriculture and social welfare sectors

The intrinsic value of the partnership between agriculture and social welfare sectors can help us to enrich the way that we work, and how we think about work.

Weathering the storm: Exploring flooding in agriculture

Christine Sprunger, the Assistant Professor of Soil Health at Michigan State University, aims to understand how the flooding in agriculture has increased with climate change and how farmers can better adapt.
crop production systems in europe, sustainable plant

Sustainable plant & crop production systems in Europe

Professor Laura Grenville-Briggs shares her stance on working together to counter the threat of oomycete diseases, focussing on trans-sectoral approaches to support sustainable plant...
Trans-sectoral approaches,

Trans-sectorial approaches sustainable disease control across agribusiness districts

Professor Laura Grenville-Briggs shares her stance on working together to counter the threat of oomycete diseases, focussing on trans-sectoral approaches to support sustainable plant and fish production systems in Europe.

Assessing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in urban, rural, and minority-owned agriculture in the...

As the global community aims to feed the 8 billion people on the planet, assessing PFAS substances in urban and rural agriculture becomes an important component of the mission.

Seaweed farming: Biomass production from algae

Algae are a high-potential yet underexplored source of renewable biomass, could seaweed farming be the future for biomass production?

Global food security – Part 4; Enhancing a struggling food system

Professor Curtis R Youngs, the M.E. Ensminger Endowed Chair of International Animal Agriculture at Iowa State University, analyses the flaws of the food system in his fourth part analysis of global food security.

What partnership is there between the agricultural and social welfare sectors?

Hiroyuki Tsunashima, a designated lecturer at Urban Resilience Research Center, Osaka Metropolitan University investigates the link between the agricultural and social welfare sectors.
walking through a rice field in Thailand

The next green revolution of organic rice

Professor Apichart Vanavichit, PhD, Rice Genomic Breeding Expert at Rice Science Center, heralds the next green revolution of organic rice.

The city FEEDS the city and FERTILIZES the countryside: sustainable food production

The circular and sustainable food production system of the future is already here. FaaS - Farming as a Service has been launched in Sweden through ICA Maxi in Sundsvall.
garden towers of food systems

Innovation in Territorial Food Systems: Collaboration is Key

Professor Moya Kneafsey at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience argues the importance of EU and national public policies in the transition toward sustainable territorial food systems.
wearing a surgical mask, awaiting treatment for her mother for tuberculosis at a local clinic.

Treatment decision algorithms for childhood tuberculosis

James Seddon, Reader in Global Child Health at Imperial College London, discusses the development of treatment decision algorithms for childhood tuberculosis.
international agriculture

International agriculture and rural development

International agriculture and rural development experiences have become critical in the training of food and agriculture majors Our world is changing exponentially and unleashing sets...
soil health

Deteriorating soil health: ‘A teaspoon of soil contains more life than there are humans...

Christine Sprunger, an Assistant Professor of Soil Health at Michigan State University explores soil health, arguing “a teaspoon of soil contains more life than there are humans on Earth”.
food crops of wheat

Global food security – Part 3

Curtis R Youngs, Professor & M.E. Ensminger Endowed Chair of International Animal Agriculture, continues his discussion of global food security.
Farmer processing a potato plantation with a sprayer to protect from insect pests and fungal diseases. Plant rescue. Agriculture and agribusiness, agricultural industry. Reduced crop threat

How can we achieve sustainable protection against oomycete and fungal crop diseases?

Professor Laura Grenville-Briggs Didymus from the Department of Plant Protection Biology, at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences suggests methods of protection against oomycete and fungal crop diseases.
Amazing sunset lighting rice field water reflection in Japan countryside mountains in Kyushu Mont Aso San

Can rice yield more with less water?

Examining global warming and rice yield productivity with Professor Dr Apichart Vanavichit, Director of the Rice Science Center.

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