Open Access Government produces compelling and informative news, publications, eBooks, and academic research articles for the public and private sector looking at health, diseases & conditions, workplace, research & innovation, digital transformation, government policy, environment, agriculture, energy, transport and more.
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Sustainable textile production: Policies and certifications transforming the global landscape
Victor Durand, the Head of Operations at Ever Dye, discusses how the company meets the new standards for sustainable textile production.
Catalyzing mineral weathering for permanent, safe and cost-effective carbon storage
Martin Van Den Berghe, CEO of Cytochrome, discusses catalyzing mineral weathering for permanent, safe, and cost-effective carbon storage.
Onboard Carbon Capture (OCC): The Everlong project
The maritime industry must decarbonise. Onboard Carbon Capture (OCC) offers a promising solution for mitigating emissions from existing and new build vessels. Here, the EverLoNG project demonstrates the feasibility of OCC, exploring its technical, logistical, environmental and regulatory aspects, paving the way for wider adoption.
Measuring permafrost thaw subsidence in agricultural fields in Alaska
Melissa Ward Jones, a Research Assistant Professor at the Water and Environmental Research Center (WERC) of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, discusses research focused on understanding the interactions of permafrost thaw and agriculture.
Strengthening urban governance for inclusive and effective nature-based solutions
McKenna Davis, Senior Fellow and Coordinator of Nature-based Solutions at the Ecologic Institute, discusses the importance of strengthening urban governance to enhance the uptake and inclusiveness of nature-based solutions.
How climate extremes are endangering millions in Africa
Alain Tamoffo, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, discusses how climate extremes are endangering millions in Africa.
The influence of rock type on conifer species’ nutrition and biomass partitioning
Mark Kimsey, Director of the Intermountain Forestry Cooperative, explains the influence of rock type on conifer species’ nutrition and biomass partitioning.
No safe haven: Why business leaders must act now to address Earth’s polycrisis
As hurricanes devastate former climate havens, learn why business leaders must embrace Sustainable Strategic Management to address Earth’s polycrisis before it’s too late.
Biochar technology to sequester billions of tons of CO2
This CDR champion industry, biochar, has proven technology that can quickly grow to sequester billions of tons of CO2. However, the industry has growing pains it must overcome to reach its extraordinary potential, James Gaspard, CEO of Biochar Now LLC, reveals.
Ocean nourishment sequestering carbon dioxide in the deep ocean
Phytoplankton have been essential to life on Earth for over 35 billion years. Through photosynthesis, they consume carbon dioxide on a scale comparable to that of forests and other land plants. Edwina Tanner from the WhaleX Foundation shares insights on this and discusses the potential for plankton-based solutions in marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) and ocean nourishment.
Decarbonising the textile industry: A revolutionary pigment from the lab to the market in...
Explore the journey of decarbonising the textile industry through the remarkable example of bringing a revolutionary pigment from the lab to the market in three years, starting with the milestones of this captivating journey.
A legacy of medicine and biodiversity: Protecting the cinchona tree
The endangered Cinchona officinalis, native to the Andean foothills, produced the world’s first anti-malarial drug. Augusta Cueva-Agila explains why it is crucial to conserve this species and how conservation efforts can be implemented.
A novel approach to sampling microplastics
Applied Ocean Sciences is creating a sensor that is faster, more efficient, and less expensive than current sampling methods and will be the first sensor to allow near real-time abundance measurements for microplastics in a water sample.
Early warning signs in the Amazon: Tipping elements are not tipping points
Unveiling the relationship between society and the environment, a new research project sheds light on “tipping points” – critical thresholds beyond which change becomes abrupt and potentially irreversible.
Climate change, energy demand and health: Protecting vulnerable populations
Jo-Ting Huang-Lachmann, Junior Research Group Lead at the Climate Service Center Germany, discusses climate change, energy demand, and health to safeguard vulnerable populations.
The new blue: Built-up seascapes create new maritime relations
Four representatives of the research programme, Mistra Co-Creating Better Blue, discuss maritime innovation in the context of a dawning new era for human presence and activities at sea.
What now? Climate leadership after COP29
Richard Beardsworth from POLIS at the University of Leeds continues a discussion on climate leadership, this time focusing on post-COP29 outcomes.
Helping biodiversity conservation with modelling
Professor Guillaume Blanchet from Université de Sherbrooke discusses how modelling can aid in the conservation of biodiversity.
Primate exposure to anthropogenic pollutants: An overlooked conservation concern
Michael Wasserman of Indiana University discusses research on wild primate exposure to endocrine disruptors, such as pesticides, flame retardants, and phytoestrogens.
Carbon capture surface: CO2 removal technology
Beth McDaniel, JD, Partner President from Reactive Surfaces Ltd. LLP, introduces us to Carbon Capture Surfaces, a CO2 removal technology that checks all the boxes.