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Plastic Water Bottle amongst trash on the beach

Environmental weathering transforms plastic pollution

The prevalence of plastics in our daily lives is reflected by their ubiquity in nature. Jeffrey M. Farner from the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, details how environmental weathering transforms plastic pollution.
Figure 1. Different types of subterranean ecosystems and organisms.

Protecting subterranean ecosystems for the wellbeing of surface environments and humanity

Stefano Mammola, a researcher at the Italian National Research Council and coordinator of the Biodiversa+ project ‘DarCo’, emphasizes the importance of better incorporation of subterranean biodiversity in conservation agendas.
Figure 1: One Health Visual Analytics

A comprehensive approach to integrated one health surveillance and response

Surveillance data plays a crucial role in understanding and responding to emerging infectious diseases; here, we learn why adopting a One Health surveillance approach to EIDs can help to protect human, animal, and environmental health.
Figure 1: Microbes particulate the cycles of four important elements.

Microbes as high-potential green resource producers

Hui-Ping Chuang, Assistant researcher at the Sustainable Environment Research Laboratories of the National Cheng Kung University, shares insights into the vital role of microbes in waste removal and sustainable resource generation.
5.10.2023 – Stakeholder workshop in Constance with representative from the city administration. Source: V. Reinhart

Future climate services for resilient cities: The CoKLIMAx lighthouse project

Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) is exploring future climate services for resilient cities by focusing on the CoKLIMAx lighthouse project.
The Great Mulch study on 10 August, 2023

When common recommendations for cultivating in cold soils inadvertently thaw permafrost

Melissa Ward Jones, details when common recommendations for cultivating in cold soils inadvertently thaw permafrost, starting with the challenges of cultivating at high latitudes.
Close up view of partial face, African elephant (Loxodonta africana), world's largest land animal, Etosha National Park, Namibia, Africa

Analyzing the rhetoric behind trophy hunting narratives

Jens Ulrik Hogh and Stephan Wunderlich from the International Council for Game and Wildlife Conservation (CIC) discuss public perceptions of trophy hunting.

The different facets of biodiversity

Professor F. Guillaume Blanchet from Université de Sherbrooke explores the various aspects of biodiversity and the challenge involved in monitoring it.
Futuristic technological background, wave flowing pattern. Abstract data flow chart. 3d illustration

Pioneering solutions for sustainable protein production in future

InnoProtein consortium, explain why sustainable protein production is urgently needed and how, with its circular, zero-waste approach, InnoProtein supports this goal.
Figure 1. Schematic representation of integrating vision for cluster-based Center activities, including research on foundational climate and hydrological processes (outer ring) and climate-related hazards threatening those systems (inner ring). Climate Change Impacts on Transboundary Waters

Global centre for climate change impacts on transboundary waters

Dr. Gail Krantzberg and Dr. Andrew Gronewold, unpack the priorities of the Global Centre for Climate Change Impacts on Transboundary Waters.
The Earth Space Planet 3D illustration background. City lights on planet.

An organizing protocol for society’s approach at responding to climate change

Huffington Foundation Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies, Emeritus Gary Yohe argues that adopting an iterative risk management approach is the most effective way when responding to climate change uncertainties.

Bacterial photobiohybrids and photosynthesis: Optimizing energy harvesting with bacterial-semiconductor hybrids

Photosynthesis serves as the primary mechanism for converting solar energy into chemical energy and plays a pivotal role in regulating atmospheric oxygen levels and carbon dioxide concentrations, influencing global climate patterns as a result.
Looking up view in a young replanted forest

Innovative climate research for guiding policy-making

Professor Phoebe Koundouri leads AE4RIA and UN SDSN Global Climate Hub, participating in innovative climate research impact projects.
Kanpur Planting rice in the villages, wastewater treatment

Pavitra Ganga successfully demonstrates robust and low-energy wastewater technologies in India

Paul Campling is the coordinator and Anshuman is the scientific coordinator of the EU-India Horizon 2020 project Pavitra Ganga that ran from 2019 until the beginning of this year. This research and innovation project brought European and Indian partners together to collaborate on tackling wastewater treatment challenges and to unlock some of the resource recovery opportunities.
The circular economy icon and other renewable energy icons. The concept of a circular economy with zero CO2 emissions for sustainable business growth and environmental improvement. Vector illustration

ARCHIMEDES Project ensures extended ECS lifetime

Reiner John, Coordinator Research Funding Corporate Strategy at AVL List, examines how the ARCHIMEDES project ensures an extended ECS lifetime with digital means and fosters a circular economy.
Fig. 1 Sea surface temperature anomaly made using NOAA satellite data from July 1, 2015. A strong El Nino year and Blob co-occurred in the Pacific Ocean, creating warmer than usual temperatures (seen in red, orange, and yellow).

Seabirds and humpback whales give early warning to marine heatwaves

Lauren Bien from Prince William Sound Science Center and Mayumi Arimitsu from USGS, Alaska Science Center and additional contributors, John Moran and Rob Suryan, Alaska Fisheries Science Center explain how seabirds and humpback whales provide early warning signals during extreme marine heatwaves.
Figure 1: LUCAS soil samples (Orgiazzi, A., Ballabio, C., Panagos, P., Jones, A., & Fernández- Ugalde, O. (2018). LUCAS Soil, the largest expandable soil dataset for Europe: a review. European Journal of Soil Science, 69(1), 140-153) connected existing and upcoming EO missions (bars indicate approximated temporal coverage). Note that EO data and missions are increasing exponentially with the newest generation EO systems focusing on hyperspectral.

Soil health monitoring through iterative analysis of soil’s past, present, and future

Tom Hengl, Director of the OpenGeoHub foundation, discusses the importance of soil health monitoring and how the AI4SoilHealth project is supporting this endeavor.
Wild Flower hay Meadow in the Sussex High Weald

The critical role of governments in benefit sharing

Dominic Muyldermans and Frank Michiels outline the key role governments can play in making a new multilateral mechanism for benefit sharing a success.
Image: © WillieErasmus | iStock

Conserving elephant populations: Not without consultation

Global North and South when it comes to conservation, human rights and climate protection, particularly concerning elephant populations.

Building a sustainable, high-impact, and ‘living’ biobank infrastructure in Canada

A living biobank can generate new insights about our care; Francois Lamontagne, Paul Hebert, and Michelle Kho tell us more.

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