Open Access Government produces compelling and informative news, publications, eBooks, and academic research articles for the public and private sector looking at health, diseases & conditions, workplace, research & innovation, digital transformation, government policy, environment, agriculture, energy, transport and more.
Home 2023
Gulf Watch Alaska: Long-term research and monitoring in the Gulf of Alaska
Within the Gulf of Alaska, in the North Pacific Ocean, three major events - both natural and human-caused – resulted in large-scale ecosystem changes during the last 50 years.
Sustainable production of pheromones now a reality
When the PHERA Project started, it was with an ambitious goal to prove that insect pheromones can be produced using a biological rather than a chemical process.
Exploring hexacorallian models to aid corals affected by climate change
In this interview, Benyamin Rosental, PhD, from the Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Genetics, looks toward hexacorallian models to transplant stem cells to corals affected by global warming.
Biodiversity COP15 – A stepping stone towards effective access and benefit sharing
Here, Dominic Muyldermans and Markus Wyss explore the opportunities and challenges on the journey towards effective access and benefit sharing across the globe.
A search for primary evidence of Earth’s ancient atmosphere and climate
Robert Rainbird, a research scientist working for the Geological Survey of Canada, a division of Natural Resources Canada, looks at the geological evolution of...
Tracking animal migration with stable isotopes
Keith A. Hobson from Western University and Environment and Climate Change Canada, walks us through tracking animal migration with stable isotopes, starting with some background information.
Getting to know the subsea mapping company MMA Global Aqua
Jared Low, Project Manager at MMA Global Aqua, talks about his first impressions at the subsea mapping company and his predictions for the company’s future.
How do we envision the sustainable society we want to create?
Here, Professor Masahide Sakamoto uses Japanese pollution research as a case study for thinking about and understanding how to create a sustainable society.
An exploration of the Portuguese Council for Health and Environment
Here, Dr. Mónica Rodrigues explores the Portuguese Council for Health and Environment (CPSA) efforts to prevent climate change, promote sustainability, enact a Global Health System Strategy and so much more.
Legacy pollution and our struggle to control non-point source pollution
To tackle legacy pollution and non-point source pollution, we must identify the sources, sinks and hot spots – but is it already too late?
Rapid measurement tools or fast identification of bioaerosols
Why is rapid measurement tools or fast identification of bioaerosols important and what are the challenges and opportunities?
Microbial farming for habitat recovery in the Taiwanese mountains
Professor Tzen-Yuh Chiang’s team looks toward microbial farming in the mountains slopes of South Taiwan to aid habitat recovery, as low-land slopes have been affected by climate change.
Low Carbon Timber® – European best practice in climate-friendly chains
We call on all interested parties from politics, administration, local authorities and business to use Low Carbon Timber®
After COP27: Whither climate leadership?
The twenty-seventh Conference of the Parties (COP27) – tasked, like every annual UNFCCC conference, to accelerate climate ambition and action – duly laboured under the current global crises. What and where next?
Solutions to waste management in informal settlements in South Africa
Researchers look at the unfolding tragedy of waste management in informal settlements in South Africa and transferable models for community-based solutions.
Understanding Hydra Regeneration
Here, Charisios Tsiairis from Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research explores Hydra Regeneration and the genetic programs that make it possible.
Modelling future climate impacts on human health: lessons from Portuguese metropolitan areas
Dr Mónica Rodrigues, from University of Coimbra (UC), explains that future climate impacts may have hazardous effects on the health and wellbeing of the Portuguese population.
Tackling the whole-life emissions of the European built environment
Stephen Richardson, Director of European Regional Network at WorldGBC looks toward the built environment and its climate impacts across ten European Green Building Councils.
Bamboo education: Learning the environmental benefits of bamboo
Professor Saijo Kiyoshi at Miyagi University of Education, examines bamboo education, discussing its useful advantages and how we need it to avert further environmental crises.
Stem cell-based therapy for corals
Could medical approaches of stem cell-based therapy, be a tool for corals’ resilience to heat stress? Benyamin Rosental, Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel answers the compelling question here.