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Rapid measurement tools or fast identification of bioaerosols
Why is rapid measurement tools or fast identification of bioaerosols important and what are the challenges and opportunities?
Microbial farming for habitat recovery in the Taiwanese mountains
Professor Tzen-Yuh Chiang’s team looks toward microbial farming in the mountains slopes of South Taiwan to aid habitat recovery, as low-land slopes have been affected by climate change.
Low Carbon Timber® – European best practice in climate-friendly chains
We call on all interested parties from politics, administration, local authorities and business to use Low Carbon Timber®
After COP27: Whither climate leadership?
The twenty-seventh Conference of the Parties (COP27) – tasked, like every annual UNFCCC conference, to accelerate climate ambition and action – duly laboured under the current global crises. What and where next?
Solutions to waste management in informal settlements in South Africa
Researchers look at the unfolding tragedy of waste management in informal settlements in South Africa and transferable models for community-based solutions.
Understanding Hydra Regeneration
Here, Charisios Tsiairis from Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research explores Hydra Regeneration and the genetic programs that make it possible.
Modelling future climate impacts on human health: lessons from Portuguese metropolitan areas
Dr Mónica Rodrigues, from University of Coimbra (UC), explains that future climate impacts may have hazardous effects on the health and wellbeing of the Portuguese population.
Tackling the whole-life emissions of the European built environment
Stephen Richardson, Director of European Regional Network at WorldGBC looks toward the built environment and its climate impacts across ten European Green Building Councils.
Bamboo education: Learning the environmental benefits of bamboo
Professor Saijo Kiyoshi at Miyagi University of Education, examines bamboo education, discussing its useful advantages and how we need it to avert further environmental crises.
Stem cell-based therapy for corals
Could medical approaches of stem cell-based therapy, be a tool for corals’ resilience to heat stress? Benyamin Rosental, Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel answers the compelling question here.
A holistic approach to assessing soil health
In this Q&A, Dr Christine Sprunger, Assistant Professor of Soil Health in the Department of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences explores the importance of a complete and well-rounded approach to assessing soil health.
Integrating the Level(s) Framework into green buildings
More than 2700 European building sector stakeholders have been trained to use the Level(s) Framework indicators on the sustainability of buildings.
Climate services to support coastal municipalities in South Africa
GERICS supports the development and use of climate change information and climate services to support coastal municipalities in South Africa.
Financing the green transformation
The role of finance is key to an efficient green transformation, needing a large-scale reallocation of capital and labour, argues Christian Keuschnigg, Professor at the University of St. Gallen.
Approaching COP27: some questions for climate leadership
COP27 is an opportunity for climate leadership to begin the long-term transition to net-zero, but is this now possible? asks Richard Beardsworth, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds
Wastewater treatment and resource recovery for a sustainable water future in India
Unlocking wastewater treatment, water reuse and resource recovery opportunities is a key approach for sustainable water solutions in India, explains Dr. Paul Campling, Business and Relationship Development Manager at VITO.
Circular economy on agro-food sector: Vineyards and wine case study
The circular economy is a concept that is misunderstood in several situations even in the agro-food sector, but it’s also seen as one of the trendiest and coolest concepts to be used in plans, presentations and campaigns.