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Flying through glow blue futuristic digital technology landscape. Glow colourful particle background.

Communicating science: The “significance” of statistics

Statistical significance and scientific importance are distinct, equally valuable aspects of communicating the significance of statistics in scientific research.
Bilayer Lipid Membrane - 3d rendered image of Cell Membrane Phospholipid Structure, Phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane. Abstract medical illustration. Microscopic view. Microbiologic research concept.

Cell biology research: The mystery of cholesterol homeostasis

Kazumitsu Ueda, PhD from Kyoto University, WPI-iCeMS, unveils the mystery of cholesterol homeostasis in this cell biology research focus.
Figure 1: This is the Graphical Abstract for ‘Relating a System’s Hamiltonian to Its Entropy Production Using a Complex Time Approach’ (Parker & Jeynes, April 2023)

Purposive physics

“The Universe doesn’t care about us. It can’t since it has no purpose!” This is what we are told. But is it true? How would we know either way?
3d rendering of Loudspeakers with neon lights. Music party concept.

Forensic program: Mental healthcare through songwriting

A therapeutic guitar group at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre’s Integrated Forensic Program evolved from a pilot project into a unique songwriting initiative that enhances participants’ mental well-being and social connections through music therapy.
Figure 1: Ratios of the concentrations of Sodium ions [Na+] and Potassium ions [K+] in water on land and in the sea vs in living cells and in blood.

Is there an elephant in the room of research on the origins of life?

Helen Greenwood Hansma, from the University of California at Santa Barbara, questions if there is an elephant in the room of research when it comes to the origins of life.
Quantum- 3d rendered image futuristic design. Abstract background. Atomic structure, large collider, CERN concept.

Why gravitational waves cannot exist!

J-F Pommaret from CERMICS, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France, investigates the idea that gravitational waves cannot exist.
Image: © Alessandro Bernard and Domenico Defazio, AI-generated image powered by Firefly/Runaway gen. 3

Liquid computing and cybernetics for robotics and computer science

Recent advancements show that liquid memories and liquid computing devices bring a transformative approach to robotics and computer science.
Figure: Elements of RIA

Regulatory impact assessment and policymaking research

Kati Rantala, Research Director at the Faculty of Social Sciences, analyses Regulatory Impact Assessment as a policymaking tool.
Endoscopic view of flowing red blood cells in a vein, illustration render

Ciliary biomarkers for vascular health

Ramani Ramchandran, Professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin, investigates ciliary biomarkers for diagnosing and prognosing vascular health.
Shigella dysenteriae bacteria - 3d rendered illustration

Membrane biogenesis, nutrient transport, and natural health product characterization

Find out here about Dr. Bakovic, an internationally recognized researcher in membrane biogenesis, nutrient transport, and natural health product characterization.
Fig. 1. Interactive Emergence Society vs. T-society

Understanding T-societies: How patterns shape our lives

Emeritus Professor Magnus S Magnusson explores the unique sudden bio-mathematical self-similarity between human and protein societies and the human explosion: from T-patterns to T-strings and T-societies.
Detail of footprint on the Moon. See similar space photos:

Advancing space robotics: AI-driven innovation for lunar exploration and orbital operations

Dr. Sean Kalaycioglu, Toronto Metropolitan University Researcher and AIMechatroniX Inc. President, explores advancing AI-enabled space robotics for lunar exploration and orbital operations.
The flow of data across a connected world. (World Map Courtesy of NASA: https://visibleearth.nasa.gov/view.php?id=55167)

ML tools and systems models for WEFE nexus policy formulation and impact assessment

Experts from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and Eurecat, Centre Tecnològic de Catalunya, guide us through the use of machine learning tools and systems models to inform WEFE nexus policy formulation and impact assessment.

Our sustainable human development as a co-operative society

Jean-Paul Close is the Founder of STIR Foundation, which stands for Sustainocracy, Transformation, Indexation, and Research. Here, he shares how this organization works to develop local holistic solutions to global problems using a sustainocratic ideology.
Figure 1: The leaders ́ Force Posture and Mission Urgency levels. Error bars indicate 0.95 Confidence intervals.

Forging unity: Interagency collaboration in hybrid warfare

Jostein Mattingsdal explores leadership’s critical role in maximizing interagency collaboration’s effectiveness in hybrid warfare scenarios.
Blackboard full of equations (quantum, relativty....)

A mathematical mindset approach to student learning

Jo Boaler, Nomellini and Olivier Professor in the Graduate School of Education (Mathematics) at Stanford University, explores a mathematical mindset approach to student learning.
Figure 1. Surface tension at high temperatures from experiments and simulations.

Understanding high-temperature material properties

Prof Dr-Ing. Jörg Volpp, Associate Professor from University West, Trollhättan, Sweden, states that understanding metal surface tension at high temperatures will increase process understanding to benefit European Union metal processing and manufacturing industries.
Digital earth, dotted line, 01 binary data combination, meaning globalization, internationalization, Internet big data technology background.

On the origin of consciousness

Dr Peter Verheyen from the Sola Society & Academy at Vienna University examines the origin of consciousness and various ways in which information serves as the fundamental building block of the universe.
A House Deconstructed: 1119 25th Avenue East, Seattle WA 98112

Modern architecture: A house deconstructed

Mark Jarzombek and Vikramaditya Prakash, Co-Founders of the Office of (Un)Certainty Research (a collaboration dedicated to rethinking modern architecture), take us on a journey of a deconstructed house.
virologist at the window looking away

Innovative ways of dealing with unforeseen events

Dorothy Sutherland Olsen and Lisa Scordato from the Nordic Institute for Studies of innovation, research and education, explore innovative ways of dealing with unforeseen events.

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