Open Access Government produces compelling and informative news, publications, eBooks, and academic research articles for the public and private sector looking at health, diseases & conditions, workplace, research & innovation, digital transformation, government policy, environment, agriculture, energy, transport and more.
Home 2022
Shrouded in genomic heterochromatin are ancient viral-like elements that could jump
Host defences operate to prevent ‘ancient viruses’ from ever jumping but, in cancers, cells lose multiple layers of ‘epigenetic’ control, and this can lead to the awakening of jumping or ‘retrotransposition’ of ancient viruses.
Credit and collateral: How central banks can spur a greening of finance
With calculations suggesting that the financial system is effectively funding temperature increases of over three degrees centigrade, how can central banks promote the greening of finance?
Usable STEM knowledge for tomorrow’s STEM problems
We need STEM knowledge programs in formal and informal settings that guide learners in applying STEM learning to the creation of solutions.
Genomic instability and nuclear architecture in cancer
Sabine Mai and Aline Rangel-Pozzo, at the CancerCare Manitoba Research Institute and The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, discuss genomic instability in relation to 3D spatial organisation of telomeres.
Information overload and the ossification of immunological research
Peter Bretscher, Faculty in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Saskatchewan questions whether there is a way of fostering resilience in immunological research.
Open Science and Research Infrastructures provide the foundation and pillars necessary to tackle global...
COVID has highlighted the importance of Open Science and research infrastructures to accelerate the impact of scientific research.
Mendel, Darwin, and Lysenko: the battle toward understanding genetics
August 1948 saw the Soviet government ban all teaching and research in genetics. Within a year, “the doctrine of agronomist Trofim Lysenko – dubbed ‘Soviet Creative Darwinism’ – replaced genetics in curricula and research plans of biological, medical, veterinary, and agricultural institutions.” (Krementsov 2010).
Managing chronic disease with individualized metabolomics & artificial intelligence
Christopher Gerner from the Joint Metabolome Facility at the University of Vienna, Austria, walks us through what we need to know about managing chronic disease by individualized metabolomics & artificial intelligence.
Thermodynamics: The New Theory of Everything?
Chris Jeynes ponders the reality of the Arrow of Time (the Second Law of Thermodynamics) and how it conditions the basic laws of physics.
Mentoring diverse graduate students in agriculture, geoscience, and related disciplines: Are you a mentor?
Mentoring starts from within the faculty member – a mentor guides a student from situation to solution using their lived experiences and expertise.
Search for long-range magnetic order in quasicrystals
Zbigniew M. Stadnik, Professor at the University of Ottawa in the Department of Physics, looks at the magnetic order in quasicrystals
STEM: Preparing future problem solvers
Mr. F. Joseph Merlino, President of the 21st Century Partnership for STEM Education, underlines the importance of preparing future problem solvers.
Satellite DNA arrays barcode chromosomes to regulate genes
In this piece, Dr Helen Rowe summarizes how arrays or strings of multi-copy satellite DNAs can barcode chromosomes to regulate cell fate, by acting...
Space exploration in schools: COSPAR’s Panel on Education is helping to prepare tomorrow’s space...
COSPAR's dedicated Panel supports today's science teachers for tomorrow's space exploration.
Exchangeable Liquid Crystal Elastomers: the way towards soft reversible actuators
Liquid Crystal Elastomers (LCE) have been invented over 30 years ago, and ever since were considered a highly promising material system for soft actuators and artificial muscles.
What are the possibilities of DNA and RNA sequences?
Serge L. Beaucage, Supervisory Research Chemist at the Food and Drug Administration discusses his work with DNA and RNA sequences and the groundbreaking impact this technique could have.