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Political leadership on climate and the 1.5°c limit: A normative framework

Richard Beardsworth, Professor of International Relations and Head of School at POLIS, University of Leeds, walks us through political leadership on climate and the 1.5°C limit and discusses if this limit remains a meaningful normative framework for climate action.

STEM programs: Encouraging an early start with engineering design

Nancy Butler Songer, Associate Provost of STEM Education at the University of Utah, highlights the importance of introducing STEM programs to younger students.
Library, research and row of books on bookshelf for reading, knowledge and educational learning. University bookstore, information and zoom of shelves with textbook, academic journal or literature

A transdisciplinary approach to literacy research, practice, and policy

Patriann Smith, Associate Professor at the University of South Florida’s Department of Teaching and Learning, discusses transdisciplinarity and how it could inform approaches to literacy research, practice, and policy.
Image: © Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary

The pet primate trade in the U.S.

Dr Melissa Seaboch, Professor and Department Chair at Salt Lake Community College, discusses the challenges regarding the pet primate trade in the U.S., including its impact on animal welfare and owners and the complexity of regulations.
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Religion and accountability for restorative offender rehabilitation

Offender rehabilitation has different meanings for different people because we may have varying expectations about what rehabilitation actually looks like. Sung Joon Jang and Byron R. Johnson walk us through the role of religion and accountability in restorative rehabilitation.

Combatting organizational silence: How to have an honest conversation

Hewlett Packard’s Santa Rosa Systems Division was formed to take HP into a new and growing internet market. Yet, two years later, growth and profits were so disappointing that the senior team thought they were six months from being replaced. What saved them? An honest conversation about what was going wrong and overcoming organizational silence.

Policy priorities for gender and entrepreneurship

Read here about policy suggestions from an academic-practitioner collaboration for gender and entrepreneurship.
European Union and UK flags in front of Big Ben, Brexit EU

The impact of Brexit on the UK economy

Sarah Hall, Professor of Economic Geography at the University of Nottingham, charts the impact of Brexit on the UK economy and identifies opportunities for future developments.

Local exposure to asylum seekers promotes a more positive attitude toward ethnic diversity

Sigrid Suetens, Professor from Tilburg University School of Economics and Management, shows that local exposure to asylum seekers promotes a more positive attitude toward ethnic diversity.

Indigenous students face disparities in STEM

Dr. Judith Brown Clarke and Dr. Wendy K’ah Skaahluwaa Todd, shed light on the crucial role of cultural identity in native American-Alaskan students’ persistence and success in STEM fields and the Geosciences.
The flag of The European Union flapping in the wind. Economic and finance Community. Politics and Economy. Transnational political government

Current challenges for European democracy

Cesare Pinelli, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Rome La Sapienza, discusses the reasons behind the EU’s vulnerability to criticism by populist leaders.
Hands in air at concert making rock sign gesture

Reshaping the discourse on women’s voices in metal music

Lori Burns, Professor at The University of Ottawa, walks us her research on reshaping the discourse on women’s voices in metal music.
fans at sports event going crazy, symbol picture for crowd power, enthusiasm, maybe also hooligans and extremism

Violent extremism: The journey in and the pathway out

Understanding and addressing violent extremism goes beyond just ideology. Morten Bøås of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs suggests that looking at the underlying reasons and addressing its root cause might be crucial to finding solutions.
The concept of control and dictatorship over people, puppetry

Puppetry to cement European cultural identity

Tracing Western European repertoires of puppet and marionette theatres brings to light the international circulation of heroes, techniques, and stories. It demonstrates how this popular type of entertainment contributes to the dissemination of shared cultural references.
Young businesswoman having a discussion with her colleagues in a boardroom. Creative young businesswoman sharing her ideas during a meeting in a modern office.

Sex-based labour market segregation and women’s perceptions of entrepreneurship

Here Professors Tonoyan, Strohmeyer, and Jennings investigate sex-based labour market segregation and women's perceptions of entrepreneurship.
Note: Peer-reviewed academic articles from scholarly journals were selected on the ProQuest search engine platform. Articles with keywords appearing in their abstracts (ab) were extracted using the following parameters: ab (Gender OR Female OR Woman*) AND ab(Stereotype* OR Discriminate* OR Bias* ) AND ab (Entrepreneur* OR New Venture OR Founder OR Self-employed* )

The gender stereotyping of entrepreneurship

Professors Jennings and Tonoyan distill prior research and chart avenues for future research.
An abstract financial chart showing several projected income lines plotted on a dark background.

Welfare economics: Promoting equality through general policies

Yew-Kwang Ng, Emeritus Professor at the Department of Economics, Monash University, continues a discussion about welfare economics, focusing on efficiency supremacy in specific areas, arguing that equality should be promoted through general policies.
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An economic analysis of social welfare

Yew-Kwang Ng, Emeritus Professor at the Department of Economics, Monash University, evaluates social welfare from an economic angle.
Abstract financial graph with up trend line candlestick chart in stock market on neon light colour background

Pursuing responsible finance in a world of rising risks

Marc Brightman and James Christopher Mizes, from the University of Bologna, explore the importance of responsible finance in a world of rising risks.
nursery worker with child in playground

UK childcare policy: Navigating choices, challenges and the need for reform

In this article, Prof. Dr. Ingela Naumann, University of Fribourg, explores UK childcare policy through the Nordic perspective on parental work, and the struggle to balance choices for families in the face of societal and economic constraints.

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