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Home 2025
Paternity leave: Overcoming barriers to uptake
Deborah Da Costa, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at McGill University and Scientist at McGill University Health Centre, discusses the benefits and barriers to fathers’ uptake of paternity leave following the birth of a child.
The hidden dangers of breastfeeding misconceptions: A deep dive
In the exclusive interview, Dr. Christie del Castillo-Hegyi, co-founder of the Fed is Best Foundation, sheds light on breastfeeding misconceptions and their devastating impact.
UK childcare policy: Navigating choices, challenges and the need for reform
In this article, Prof. Dr. Ingela Naumann, University of Fribourg, explores UK childcare policy through the Nordic perspective on parental work, and the struggle to balance choices for families in the face of societal and economic constraints.
Fathers matter: Supporting new dads during the transition to parenthood
Deborah Da Costa, PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Medicine, McGill University, Scientist at McGill University Health Centre, details promoting and supporting new dads during the transition to parenthood.
Fostering fundamental computational skills, a global challenge
Koji Watanabe, Professor from Miyazaki International University in Japan, argues that fostering fundamental computational skills is a global challenge.
Fostering self-regulated learners through child-centred evaluation activities
Emiko Izumi, PhD from Kwansei Gakuin University, discusses child-centred evaluation activities, including enhancing thinking, judgment and expression skills.
The miniNO project: Helping to minimize risks of premature births
Associative mechanisms linking a defective minipuberty to the appearance of mental and non-mental disorders: infantile NO replenishment as a new therapeutic possibility.
The importance of good childcare services for gender equality
Professor Ingela Naumann at Fribourg University discusses the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on childcare arrangements and family wellbeing, and how it highlighted gendered care norms.
Paediatric autism communication therapy improved long-term child outcomes
Paediatric Autism Communication Therapy is currently the only scientifically evidenced early social communication intervention to demonstrate long-term improved child social communication outcomes into middle...
Childrearing culture from the agrarian era to the digital age
Chris Girard, an Associate Professor of Sociology in Florida International University, looks at childrearing culture from the perspective of coevolving informatics.
Exceptional moments of micro-strengths
Micro strengths: How can we understand and target exceptional moments in relationships, and how can they be drawn on within relationships as a basis for positive change?
Creating an environment that supports and protects breastfeeding
The Centre for Lactation, Infant Feeding and Translation (LIFT) at Swansea University seeks to better support families in feeding their baby.
Developmental research for social foster care and parental support
Professor Keiji Noguhci at Fukuyama City University, in the Faculty of Education, presents a practical model for social foster care in Japan.