Open Access Government produces compelling and informative news, publications, eBooks, and academic research articles for the public and private sector looking at health, diseases & conditions, workplace, research & innovation, digital transformation, government policy, environment, agriculture, energy, transport and more.
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Sustainable textile production: Policies and certifications transforming the global landscape
Victor Durand, the Head of Operations at Ever Dye, discusses how the company meets the new standards for sustainable textile production.
Catalyzing mineral weathering for permanent, safe and cost-effective carbon storage
Martin Van Den Berghe, CEO of Cytochrome, discusses catalyzing mineral weathering for permanent, safe, and cost-effective carbon storage.
Onboard Carbon Capture (OCC): The Everlong project
The maritime industry must decarbonise. Onboard Carbon Capture (OCC) offers a promising solution for mitigating emissions from existing and new build vessels. Here, the EverLoNG project demonstrates the feasibility of OCC, exploring its technical, logistical, environmental and regulatory aspects, paving the way for wider adoption.
Redefining industrial sustainability
Committed to providing decarbonisation solutions for the global cement and lime industries, Leilac’s CEO, Daniel Rennie, discusses the principles for an environmentally and economically sustainable industrial transformation.
Ocean nourishment sequestering carbon dioxide in the deep ocean
Phytoplankton have been essential to life on Earth for over 35 billion years. Through photosynthesis, they consume carbon dioxide on a scale comparable to that of forests and other land plants. Edwina Tanner from the WhaleX Foundation shares insights on this and discusses the potential for plankton-based solutions in marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) and ocean nourishment.
Decarbonising the textile industry: A revolutionary pigment from the lab to the market in...
Explore the journey of decarbonising the textile industry through the remarkable example of bringing a revolutionary pigment from the lab to the market in three years, starting with the milestones of this captivating journey.
Carbon capture surface: CO2 removal technology
Beth McDaniel, JD, Partner President from Reactive Surfaces Ltd. LLP, introduces us to Carbon Capture Surfaces, a CO2 removal technology that checks all the boxes.
All hands on deck for ocean-based CO2 removal research
Prof. Dr. Katja Fennel, Chair of the Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, argues that we need all hands on deck for ocean-based CO2 removal research.
Emissions from building and construction can be halved with current technologies and practices
Filip Johnsson and Ida Karlsson from Chalmers University of Technology argue that building and construction emissions can be halved with current technologies and practices in place.
Decarbonizing the textile industry: How Ever Dye is revolutionizing dyeing processes
While the textile industry is continuously evolving and becoming more technologically advanced, it still relies on highly polluting and energy-intensive processes. Victor Durand, Head of Operations at Ever Dye, shares the company’s commitment to changing this and decarbonizing the textile industry.
The hidden climate cost: Food loss, waste, and greenhouse gas emissions
Professor Gordon Price from Dalhousie University and Professor Grant Clark from McGill University study the hidden climate change costs of food loss and waste in Canada. Here, they highlight the need for greater cooperation and data sharing.
CH-Bioforce strives for a cleaner world with unique bioforsense technology
In this interview, Petri Tolonen, CEO of CH-Bioforce, sheds light on the environmental benefits of Bioforsense technology.
Decarbonising the steel industry: Reasons to be cheerful
Filip Johnsson, Lisa Göransson and Alla Toktarova, explain why decarbonising the steel industry gives us reasons to be cheerful.
Interact fostering polar science and research in the arctic
Margareta Johansson and Terry V. Callaghan CMG, on behalf of INTERACT friends, walk us through a series of EU projects that foster polar science and research in the Arctic.
5GSOLAR: The next generation of photovoltaics
Emerging thin film photovoltaic technologies, currently being developed in research laboratories, are the EU’s key to unlocking its photovoltaic industry and ensuring the growth of a sustainable and green electricity market.
CO2 bioeconomy: Creating value from carbon dioxide
Is the CO2 bioeconomy creating value from carbon dioxide? Dr Kang Lan Tee and Professor Tuck Seng Wong both explain.
Understanding the climate change impact on health
Scientists at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) help society to prepare for climate change impacts on health in a multi-faceted approach.
An exploration of the Portuguese Council for Health and Environment
Here, Dr. Mónica Rodrigues explores the Portuguese Council for Health and Environment (CPSA) efforts to prevent climate change, promote sustainability, enact a Global Health System Strategy and so much more.
Low Carbon Timber® – European best practice in climate-friendly chains
We call on all interested parties from politics, administration, local authorities and business to use Low Carbon Timber®
Credit and collateral: How central banks can spur a greening of finance
With calculations suggesting that the financial system is effectively funding temperature increases of over three degrees centigrade, how can central banks promote the greening of finance?