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Home 2022
Tackling the whole-life emissions of the European built environment
Stephen Richardson, Director of European Regional Network at WorldGBC looks toward the built environment and its climate impacts across ten European Green Building Councils.
A holistic approach to assessing soil health
In this Q&A, Dr Christine Sprunger, Assistant Professor of Soil Health in the Department of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences explores the importance of a complete and well-rounded approach to assessing soil health.
Global food security – Part 3
Curtis R Youngs, Professor & M.E. Ensminger Endowed Chair of International Animal Agriculture, continues his discussion of global food security.
Climate services to support coastal municipalities in South Africa
GERICS supports the development and use of climate change information and climate services to support coastal municipalities in South Africa.
Financing the green transformation
The role of finance is key to an efficient green transformation, needing a large-scale reallocation of capital and labour, argues Christian Keuschnigg, Professor at the University of St. Gallen.
Circular economy on agro-food sector: Vineyards and wine case study
The circular economy is a concept that is misunderstood in several situations even in the agro-food sector, but it’s also seen as one of the trendiest and coolest concepts to be used in plans, presentations and campaigns.