Home 2022


Stem cell-based therapy for corals

Could medical approaches of stem cell-based therapy, be a tool for corals’ resilience to heat stress? Benyamin Rosental, Principal Investigator, Assistant Professor at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel answers the compelling question here.
autoimmune diabetes

Preventing autoimmune diabetes in genetically susceptible people

Department of Biochemistry - Microbiology and Immunology - University of SaskatchewanCan we now envisage antigen-specific therapies to prevent and treat organ-specific autoimmune diseases, such as autoimmune diabetes?
Virus cells or bacterias under microscope lens

Slight changes can improve much for algorithms looking at gene expressions

Y-h. Taguchi, a Professor at Chuo University, looks at the slight changes made to algorithms when looking at the COVID-19 virus and gene expressions.
type 1 diabetes, insulin

Identifying adult-onset type 1 diabetes

Liping Yu, at the Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, highlights how we can recognise and diagnose adult-onset type 1 diabetes.
chromosome cells

Satellite DNA arrays barcode chromosomes to regulate genes

In this piece, Dr Helen Rowe summarizes how arrays or strings of multi-copy satellite DNAs can barcode chromosomes to regulate cell fate, by acting...
Long structure of the DNA double helix in depth of view.

What are the possibilities of DNA and RNA sequences?

Serge L. Beaucage, Supervisory Research Chemist at the Food and Drug Administration discusses his work with DNA and RNA sequences and the groundbreaking impact this technique could have.

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