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Home 2023
Observing current social issues in Japan from the perspective of Roman law: part 3
According to Professor Mariko Igimi, Kyushu University, we still have much to learn from Antiquity and Roman Law in relation to the current issues of an aging society in Japan.
Using of opioids for chronic pain: Controversies, guidelines, research needs
First in a series of five articles, Norm Buckley and Jason Busse explore the trials and tribulations associated with using opioids for chronic pain, particularly in Canada.
The global regulatory landscape for psychedelic drugs
Jessica Riggleman, Owner of Raeco, LLC, examines the global regulatory landscape for psychedelic drugs, with a particular focus on Schedule I classification.
Bridging the cultural divide in social discourse, Part 3: The challenges of practicing intellectual...
In this third of a five-article series in Open Access Government on the topic of intellectual humility (IH), Peter C. Hill explores why political attitudes have created a cultural divide that makes it difficult for many to be intellectually humble.
Demographic pressures on the Egyptian labour market
Ragui Assaad, Professor from Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, explores the upcoming resumption of demographic pressures on the Egyptian labour market and what can be done about it.
Policy recommendations for Japan towards achieving labour CRS/ RBC
The government’s current policy can be improved. Therefore, it is an urgent task to create an overarching policy vision to help Japan on its journey towards Labour CSR/RBC.
After COP27: Whither climate leadership?
The twenty-seventh Conference of the Parties (COP27) – tasked, like every annual UNFCCC conference, to accelerate climate ambition and action – duly laboured under the current global crises. What and where next?
Practising intellectual humility without compromising strongly held convictions
In the second part of the discussion of bridging the cultural divide in social discourse, Peter C. Hill at Biola University looks at intellectual humility with consideration to one’s convictions.
Humanitarian negotiations, diplomacy and the ethics of border control
Antonio De Lauri, Research Professor at Chr. Michelsen Institute, discusses the purpose of humanitarian negotiations, diplomacy and the ethics of border control.
Bridging the cultural divide in social discourse: The role of intellectual humility
Peter C. Hill, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Office of Academic Research and Grants, Biola University, sheds light on the role of intellectual humility when it comes to bridging the cultural divide.
Innovation in Territorial Food Systems: Collaboration is Key
Professor Moya Kneafsey at the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience argues the importance of EU and national public policies in the transition toward sustainable territorial food systems.
Coevolving informatics and shifting gender dynamics in Norwegian politics
As the gender balance in Norwegian politics experiences shifting gender dynamics, coevolving informatics draws attention to how male dominance has been curtailed by the expanding circulation of knowledge via educational institutions and publications.
Where have we gone wrong in our battle against teacher shortages?
Beng Huat See from the Durham Evidence Centre for Education, Durham University, looks at the chronic issue of teachers shortages and how to fix it.