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The value of adult relationships in preventing youth suicide attempts 

Associate Professor, Lynne Fullerton, PhD, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, examines the results of a recent study exploring the link between positive adult relationships and the impact on youth suicide attempt resilience.
Figure: The euPOLIS project aims at establishing a clear methodology that involves planning, implementing, and evaluating nature-based solutions. The outcome of these actions will be a quantifiable improvement of the citizen’s health (mentally and physically). At the same time, environmental, social, and economic benefits will be achieved.

The euPOLIS vision: Improving well-being with nature-based solutions

The adverse effects of urbanization have taken a toll on people’s mental and physical health, here’s how co-design and nature-based solutions can lead the way in mitigating these risks.

Exceptional moments of micro-strengths

Micro strengths: How can we understand and target exceptional moments in relationships, and how can they be drawn on within relationships as a basis for positive change?
patient undergoing a MRI examination in hospital

Focused ultrasound for major depressive disorder

Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (LIFU) is an emerging neuromodulation method for treating major depressive disorder which allows for non-invasive stimulation across the whole brain.
psychedelic treatments

Brain health conditions: Excellence in psychedelic treatments

Psychedelic treatments open up an unparalleled window of opportunity, but we need to get ready for their roll-out.

Reassessing our knowledge about mental health and LGBTQ+ practice

Dr. Shanéa Thomas, a training Specialist and Assistant Clinical Professor, argues that trainers are the key to inclusivity regarding mental health and LGBTQ+ practice.

The fentanyl crisis: Death at the end of the rainbow

Chelsea Unkel, Ryan Hogans, & Pamela Lein from the University of California, Davis, analyse the fentanyl crisis responsible for increases in drug overdose across the US.

Can dietary interventions help treat children with ADHD?

Lessa Schippers & Jeanette Mostert, departments of Genetics and Psychiatry, Radboudumc Nijmegen, The Netherlands, explore how dietary interventions may have added value to current treatment and reduce medication use for children with ADHD.

Can mindfulness training in primary schools promote mental wellbeing in Sub-Saharan Africa?

There is growing evidence that whole-school mindfulness training delivered as an integral element of the curriculum promotes children’s mental wellbeing and improves educational outcomes (Phan et al., 2022).
future climate impacts

Modelling future climate impacts on human health: lessons from Portuguese metropolitan areas

Dr Mónica Rodrigues, from University of Coimbra (UC), explains that future climate impacts may have hazardous effects on the health and wellbeing of the Portuguese population.
Van parked up on grassy area; adults and children sitting and standing around it participating in outreach event

You Don’t Get Me: Public Responses to Mood and Behaviour Monitoring Wearable Technology

A diverse group of researchers opted for a unique, unorthodox approach to gathering opinions on mental health, relationships and wearable technology that can monitor mood, behaviour and relationships.
child exploring nature

Equal-Life team: Improving child exposome and quality of life

Four PhD students from the Equal-Life team discuss their areas of research into the child exposome, looking at the environment children are raised in and the effects it has on mental health and cognitive development.
mental health imagery

The Act-Belong-Commit ‘ABCs of Mental Health’ campaign for mental health promotion

A simple research-based model for mental health promotion in practice could improve mental health and wellbeing in the whole population.
mental health support with a therapist

Mental Health First Aid: Rural residents procure skills to access professional and self-care resources

Lakshmi Mahadevan, Ph.D., an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist empowers Mental Health First Aiders.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta, brittle bone

Improving the quality of life for people with brittle bone disease: Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Pascale V Guillot, at the University College London, looks toward improving the quality of life for those with Osteogenesis imperfecta, a chronic health condition called brittle bone disease.

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