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Happy dad and baby daughter

Paternity leave: Overcoming barriers to uptake

Deborah Da Costa, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at McGill University and Scientist at McGill University Health Centre, discusses the benefits and barriers to fathers’ uptake of paternity leave following the birth of a child.
Hand united together form lines, triangles and particle style design. Illustration vector

Top team effectiveness and how to develop it

Dr Michael (Mike) Beer, Professor Emeritus from Harvard Business School, explains top team effectiveness and how to develop it.
Three young adults, two females and one male, actively brainstorm and discuss wind turbine designs together at a desk filled with plants in a modern, collaborative office space.

Revolutionizing business with sustainable strategic management

Discover how Sustainable Strategic Management empowers businesses to lead humanity’s transformation before Earth regulates our species into extinction In an era of unprecedented global challenges,...
Conflict or disagreement concept. Men and women quarreling bickering, arguing shouting, blaming each other, workplace mental health injuries

©Trans-faire: A training protocol for strengthening unions and others’ care of workplace mental health...

Mélanie Dufour-Poirier, Ph. D., CRIA, Associate Professor, School of Industrial Relations, Université de Montréal, walks us through ©Trans-faire, a training protocol for strengthening unions and others’ care of workplace mental health injuries.
Figure 1. Work experience support and advice (Source NRAS WorkMatters 2017), juvenile-onset rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases

The impact of juvenile onset rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases on education, vocation and employment

Professor Suzanne Verstappen discusses the impact and challenges associated with juvenile-onset rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases when navigating education and employment.
Group of men and women sitting and listening to a seminar. They are smiling.

Suggestions for a research-focused executive education course on gender and entrepreneurship

Jennifer Jennings from the University of Alberta teamed up with policy professional Jessica Carlson to share ideas for bridging the academic-policy divide at the nexus of gender and entrepreneurship.
Volunteers distribute food to poor people in the open air

Religiosity, transcendent accountability, and civic engagement

Academic experts from Baylor University and Pepperdine University explore religiosity, transcendent accountability, and civic engagement.
Silent Killers of business

The “Silent Killers” of business success

Dr. Michael (Mike) Beer, Professor Emeritus at Harvard Business School, explains the “silent killers” of business success that top management are unaware of.
Closeup of stressed teenage girl talking to mental health therapist in session

Co-construction: A key to preventing mental health injuries in occupational settings

Dr Mélanie Dufour-Poirier from the Université de Montréal and Dr Jean-Paul Dautel from the Université du Québec en Outaouais outline a new approach to preventing workplace mental health injuries and improving wellbeing.

Combatting organizational silence: How to have an honest conversation

Hewlett Packard’s Santa Rosa Systems Division was formed to take HP into a new and growing internet market. Yet, two years later, growth and profits were so disappointing that the senior team thought they were six months from being replaced. What saved them? An honest conversation about what was going wrong and overcoming organizational silence.

Policy priorities for gender and entrepreneurship

Read here about policy suggestions from an academic-practitioner collaboration for gender and entrepreneurship.

A crisis in workplace mental health injuries… And in work itself

Dr Mélanie Dufour-Poirier, Associate Professor at the University of Montreal’s School of Industrial Relations, discusses opportunities to safeguard employees’ mental health injuries and wellbeing through union involvement.
Young businesswoman having a discussion with her colleagues in a boardroom. Creative young businesswoman sharing her ideas during a meeting in a modern office.

Sex-based labour market segregation and women’s perceptions of entrepreneurship

Here Professors Tonoyan, Strohmeyer, and Jennings investigate sex-based labour market segregation and women's perceptions of entrepreneurship.
Note: Peer-reviewed academic articles from scholarly journals were selected on the ProQuest search engine platform. Articles with keywords appearing in their abstracts (ab) were extracted using the following parameters: ab (Gender OR Female OR Woman*) AND ab(Stereotype* OR Discriminate* OR Bias* ) AND ab (Entrepreneur* OR New Venture OR Founder OR Self-employed* )

The gender stereotyping of entrepreneurship

Professors Jennings and Tonoyan distill prior research and chart avenues for future research.
Hand of young supportive man consoling his friend or one of attendants with post traumatic syndrome caused by dramatic life event

Canadian workers at risk: Removing barriers to treatment for public safety professionals (PSP)

Gregory S Anderson, from Thompson Rivers University and Helen Dragatsi, from Government of Canada speak to us about removing barriers to treatment for Canadian workers at risk.

Confronting harassment and violence in Canadian workplaces: Insights and evolutions

Dr. Adriana Berlingieri, Research Associate and Barb MacQuarrie, Community Director at the Centre for Research & Education on Violence Against Women & Children in Canada, discuss the prevalence and impact of harassment and violence in the workplace.
Black businesswoman smiling cheerfully while sitting in a meeting with her colleague. Happy young businesswomen working together in a modern workplace - female entrepreneurship

Closing the gap: Understanding and encouraging female entrepreneurship

Dr Elizabeth R. Moore, Head of Leadership at The University of Law Business School, provides a comprehensive analysis on bridging the gender gap to welcome more female entrepreneurship.
Shot of a family having breakfast together at home

Workers at risk: Families serving alongside

Heidi Cramm, Marilyn Cox, and Deborah Norris focus on the families of public safety personnel and health care workers (PSP and HCW), plus how the risks and requirements of the job impact them.
I'm too busy chasing my dreams

Factors that contribute to the gender gap in entrepreneurial self-confidence

A study by Professors Dempsey and Jennings offers key insights into why women tend to be less confident than men in their entrepreneurial ability.
Mature businessman using laptop in a factory

Industrial organization: understanding the mechanisms of market structures

Patrick Legros, Professor of Econonmics at Université libre de Bruxelles, explores how Industrial Organization can help understand the positive and normative consequences of different...

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