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Teen relevant and open access health information for building vaccine confidence
With the abundance of health information about vaccines online, there is a need for an open educational resource (OER) that empowers youth to understand the importance of vaccines and make informed medical choices.
Suicidal thoughts and actions: We need a new model
Konrad Michel, MD, Psychiatrist from the University of Bern, Switzerland, discusses the clinical approach to suicidal patients, providing a new look at a human phenomenon.
Ethnography and cinema as meditation tools in gang research
In this article, Carles Feixa and José Sánchez-García share two main results of the Special Features of the TRANSGANG project: White Paper and Documentary films which looks at mediation tools in gang research.
The value of adult relationships in preventing youth suicide attempts
Associate Professor, Lynne Fullerton, PhD, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, examines the results of a recent study exploring the link between positive adult relationships and the impact on youth suicide attempt resilience.