North America Analysis
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Figure 1. The entire village of Katsurao, located 20 to 30 kilometers from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, was evacuated after the accident. Approximately a third of the residents live in Miharu Town and its surrounding areas

Prolonged impact of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident on health and society

Naomi Ito, Research Assistant at the Fukushima Medical University, tells us how the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident impacted and continues to impact local residents.
Man working with radwaste

Real-time monitoring to reduce the risks of nuclear radwaste repositories

Despite the immense potential benefits of nuclear power, many people are concerned about the dangerous radioactive waste, or radwaste, it generates.
Figure: Craters made in virgin and in nano-doped targets, nuclear fusion

Naplife: Nanotechnology with a perspective on nuclear fusion

Biró. Tamás Sándor a research professor at the Wigner RCP in Budapest, Hungary, discusses using nuclear fusion as a primary energy source in his project ‘NAPLIFE’.

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