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Home Asia Analysis January 2022
Asia analysis january

Asia Analysis January 2022

We welcome 2022 with our January volume of Asia Analysis, which features an array of compelling articles – We hear from Sarah Moran, Vice President, International from USA Rice, who walks us through what we need to know about rice, the little world traveller

Did you know, for example, that Japan, is a country that consumes rice daily and typically, the third-largest export market for American rice? Or that in 2020, China imported twice as much rice as the second-largest rice importer, the Philippines?

Elsewhere, read about how solar will play a vital role in Asia’s renewable energy success in a commentary by Filippo Carzaniga, Executive Chairman at FIMER. Following this, we enjoy an interesting profile by Global Aqua Survey Co., Ltd., who discuss their use of sonar technology for expert underwater surveying in the waters of Taiwan.

Or discover the extent to which technological advances can help optimise diabetes management in a piece by our regular contributor, Aarthi JanakiRaman, Research Director, Chemicals and Advanced Materials at TechVision, Frost & Sullivan. The same contributor also provides a more scientific piece, arguing that glycoscience is one of the key enablers for the bioeconomy today.

Here at Open Access Government, we adore exploring exciting science topics too. So why not read our thoughts about how scientific research acts as a pioneer on the frontiers of human knowledge, as we outline Japan’s efforts to advance technology and scientific research?

Do join us for many more journeys of discovery as we continue our intellectual endeavours in 2022 and beyond.