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Asia Analysis 2022

Asia Analysis October 2022

We usher in Winter with our Asia Analysis October 2022 volume, which includes a choice selection of policy-oriented articles

We are delighted to hear again from Prof Dr Preethi Kesavan, Head, of the School of Technology at LSBF Singapore, who describes the role of knowledge generated through scientific research for innovation and future societal development. The author argues that efforts to attain sustainable development must include science, technology, and innovation. So why not read the article to learn more?

Regular writer Aarthi JanakiRaman from Frost & Sullivan, with Shrinivas Tukdeo, kindly discern what we must know about geothermal energy and its role in the clean energy transition. Another piece charts the rising importance of soil health for sustainable agriculture.

Sustainable agriculture, global warming and food security

Aarthi also illuminates the rising importance of soil health for sustainable agriculture in her continued and valued analysis of this policy area. “The ever-expanding global population has resulted in the growing importance of agriculture to ensure food security for people in all walks of life,” Aarthi comments.

Therefore, it is fitting that regular writer Professor Dr Apichart Vanavichit, Director of the Rice Science Center in Thailand, examines global warming and rice yield productivity in a fascinating piece.

COVID-19 research

Elsewhere, Y-h. Taguchi, a Professor at Chuo University, looks at the slight changes made to algorithms when looking at the COVID-19 virus and gene expressions.

Stay with us, readers, as we report on policy issues in Asia over the coming years.