bilateral energy dialogue, G20 energy and environmental

In this article, we explain how the G20 Energy and Environment Ministerial meeting led to a promise of more bilateral energy dialogue and cooperation on innovation between the EU and Japan

At the G20 Energy and Environment Ministerial meeting, which took place in Karuizawa, the European Union and Japan agreed on 15 June to strengthen bilateral energy dialogue and cooperation on innovation for clean energy transition and climate action, EU Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete said, following his meeting with Japan’s Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Hiroshige Seko.

Referring to the commitments of both Japan and the EU under the Paris Agreement, Seko and Cañete stressed the importance of ensuring joint leadership in the clean energy and achievement of a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in line with the Paris Agreement and breakthrough innovation, a joint statement read.

Seko underlined that innovation plays a crucial role in real growth, will require innovative solutions not only in the energy and clean technologies sector but also throughout the economy.

Both referred to the EU – Japan Memorandum of Cooperation on the global LNG market of July 2017 and the recent EU – Japan Summit Joint Statement, which called for a strengthened cooperation, including broad energy dialogue, energy research and innovation in support of sustainable, secure and competitive energy supplies as well as enhanced cooperation on climate change to achieve the Paris Agreement’s goals.

They agreed that this cooperation will be further strengthened based on a shared view on the importance of a virtuous cycle between environment and growth. Business-led breakthrough innovations will play a leading role in achieving this, the statement read.
Seko and Cañete expressed their intention to work towards a Memorandum of Cooperation.

According to the statement, their discussions led to the mutual understanding that the bilateral cooperation should lead to concrete outcomes in a number of areas, possibly including the following: long-term strategies on energy and climate; stable and transparent electricity markets to reliably and cost-efficiently integrate variable renewable energy sources; effective policy frameworks in energy efficiency and renewables, with a focus on a building sector and offshore wind energy; promotion and implementation of a liquid, flexible and transparent global LNG market; the development of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies; research and development on clean energy technologies; collaboration on nuclear waste, decommissioning and safety of advanced nuclear technologies; and developing fusion as an additional low carbon clean energy source.

At the G20 meeting in Japan, ministers discussed energy security and energy access, and the role of natural gas in light of current market conditions.

As G20 countries collectively account for 81% of energy-related CO2 emissions and 77% of global energy consumption, they play a key role in mitigating climate change, the Commission said. Given this importance, G20 plans to substantially contribute to ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

EU talks with Brazil and Turkey

In the margins, Cañete met with Brazilian Minister of Environment Ricardo de Aquino Salles. “The EU and Brazil working together to create robust international carbon markets and make COP25 a success,” Cañete wrote in a tweet.

The Commissioner also met with Turkey’s Energy and Natural Resources Fatih Dönmez with the latter writing in a tweet that both parties underlined Turkey’s key role for the EU in energy supply security. “Our ongoing cooperation with the EU on renewable energy and energy efficiency will increase,” Dönmez wrote.

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