Developing bioactive compounds through cooperation

Norway spruce source bioactive compounds
© Montisera / Kalle Kirjalainen

Montisera is working with world-leading Finnish researchers to develop bioactive compounds with health benefits

Montisera takes full advantage of bioactive molecules – molecules with a health-promoting effect. Finland is globally known as the world leader in life science publications and inventions – but not in commercialising them. With Montisera, the best assets of Finnish university research are turned into a valuable business: Pharmaceuticals along with bioeconomy-based functional foods.

Montisera is a privately owned Finnish development company focused on discovering, developing and commercialising bioactive compounds from its development platform. The company’s roots are in a joint project between the Finnish forest industry and research organisations. This “Future Biorefinery” project produced an innovation that now has one of the few patents that have been granted globally for an extract with health-promoting effects. This patented extract is from spruce, and it has been proven to have a positive effect on lower urinary tract disorders.

Montisera Business model

Mira Povelainen, CEO of Montisera, explains the company’s business model: “Our focus is on the early-stage development of the compounds, where the development cycle in the different phases is rather short (1-3 years). We operate in a virtual, agile way by sourcing our innovations mostly from Finnish academia.

“Thus, investments in our own labs or extensive staff are avoided; this enables the company to use the best research expertise in each case, but also ensures the cost-efficiency of the development work. Montisera’s lean organisation ensures fast management decisions, and relationships with investors and asset buyers are based on rewarding models and partnerships.”

Bioactive compounds pipeline

Montisera_D4.1 is a patented hot water extract for the prevention and treatment of lower urinary tract diseases. The extract has passed the efficacy tests and is currently at the toxicological tests stage. The product is extracted from Norway spruce, Picea abies.

Montisera_D15 is a novel, patented molecule for CNS related diseases, especially dependency disorders. The molecule is a novel 6,7-disubstituted-isoquinoline, and both USPTO and EPO have issued patent for its’ medical use. Montisera has concluded acute toxicity studies with the compound, and the efficacy studies for the treatment of alcoholism are evident.

Montisera aims to finalise its novel alcoholism drug project so that the first human trials can start as soon as possible and help for patients. In addition to this, Montisera has its above-mentioned patented product from Finnish forest in its development pipeline. The product will be taken further towards markets as a novel food, food ingredient and/or functional food.


Dr Mira Povelainen


Tel: +358 40 578 9692


Heikki Vuorikoski

Business Development Director

Tel: +358 40 756 2427

Montisera Ltd


Please note: this is a commercial profile

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