online dating

AI and Blockchain could have the potential to help spark life back into online dating

The perception of Valentine’s Day has changed dramatically, with more singles feeling less pressured to have a date for the hallmark occasion, but it has become a problem for dating apps.

As a result, some operators are trying to shake up the dating-app slump with tech solutions from the creation of in-person authentic experiences ranging from concerts and cultural experiences, to leveraging blockchain and artificial intelligence for advice.

A recent poll suggests nearly 80% of millennials feel that attending live events can help deepen their relationships and encourage genuine connections through meeting people at parties, concerts, festival or races and sporting events.


One of Asia’s oldest dating services, ‘Lunch Actually’, is jumping on to Initial Coin Offering (ICO) bandwagon with a project named Viola.AI.

It not only boasts real ID verification on the blockchain using smart contracts and digital wallets to pull out fake profiles, the disruptive dating service is decentralizing love advisory-leveraging machine learning.

Viola aims to act as an intelligent personal relationship assistant with the goal of sustaining couples from courtship to marriage.

Its capabilities will include taking the initiative in checking both party’s calendar, booking a restaurant of their liking, sending reminders and providing directions.

The cryptographic token issued from the ICO will also serve as a community currency in the Viola marketplace.

Luxy- bitcoin for love

“Luxy” advertises itself as the mobile app for affluent singles. Individuals must prove an annual income of $200,000 or higher to qualify for membership, or be voted in for free by community members based on attractiveness.

Its website claims one out of every two active members earns more than $500,000, while 41% are considered millionaires.

The exclusive service can cost as much as $450 for an in-app premium purchase that allows users to filter their search according to wealth. That payment can now be transacted using bitcoin.

Brand manager at Luxy, Raffael Krause, said: Introducing crypto will help Luxy align ourselves with the current lifestyles of the successful entrepreneurs and business people within our community.

“Many of our users are entrepreneurs, and a significant number are in this industry. Accepting bitcoin is just the first step towards integrating blockchain capabilities with Luxy.”

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