© Roxana Gonzalez |

Here, Hassan Akhtar explains how Cannyx Markets UK Ltd. Are successfully navigating the globalisation of the CBD industry

CBD-Capital Ltd. was formed in 2018 in response to the cannabis ‘green rush’ of CBD raw material. Now, we are one of the leading distributors of hemp-derived CBD and CBG raw material securing key clients throughout Europe and the world. CBD-Capital has always had an international perspective, and our team of industry experts strive to cultivate and maintain strong links with trusted suppliers.

As a result, we have discovered how fluctuating and unpredictable the CBD market can be at times and how certain trends, pricings and material quality can change. Whilst this is true with most fast-growing sectors, it has raised calls for tighter regulations, increased transparency and trusted consumer care to ensure the continued prosperity and success of this flourishing industry.

One of the most complex and challenging problems faced as a result of the globalisation of the CBD industry is securing the integrity and safety of the global supply chain for CBD and its related products.

Such common issues include:

  • Product origin
  • Product Quality
  • Authentic supply chain
  • Transparent Pricing
  • Quality control and Certification
  • Counter Counterfeit products
  • Traceability

Cannyx markets UK Ltd

As a result of these issues surrounding CBD distribution, Cannyx Markets UK Ltd was created: a sophisticated and robust trading platform solely for the global buying and selling of CBD raw material. At the heart of Cannyx Markets UK Ltd is the collective strength of knowledge and expertise of its founders. Our expertise and experience encompass banking, brokerage, commodity trading, MTF and business & enterprise technology experience together with years of running private and public companies with astute and uncompromising business acumen. Each has had work experience in some of the top tier institutions in the world. This network, coupled with the experience and industry expertise of CBD-Capital, will ensure Cannyx Markets UK Ltdcan offer a trusted, knowledge driven experience for all members who come on board.

Our primary aim and objectives in this venture is to deliver a ‘gold standard’ Market venue adhering to the highest professional and trading standards together with uncompromising oversight into market surveillance, intelligence, compliance and risk management and at the same time meet all ethical standards. The principal aim is to protect shareholders, management and clients and create a business and work environment to drive success.

Cannyx Markets UK Ltd explained

Cannyx Markets UK Ltd specifically is a blockchain-backed, online trading venue and market data service platform which provides real-time pricing, global market data and analytics in Organic and non-GMO certified Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis based Cannabinoids with the aid of Artificial Intelligence.

Blockchain technology is a digitalised structure that stores transactional records (also known as ‘the block’) of members in several databases (known as the ‘chain’) in a network connected through peer-to-peer nodes. Typically, this is referred to as a ‘digital ledger’.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and learn autonomously. It works without the need of encoding with commands allowing our platform to work as efficiently as possible, providing the best possible customer experience.

Cannyx Markets UK Ltd aims to be an efficient, transparent market trading venue primarily for hemp-based CBD extracts and derivatives with low THC, observing strict guidelines and governance to accommodate some key health care issues, cross border governmental regulation and industry concerns.

One of the most complex and challenging problems faced as a result of the globalisation of CBD delivery is securing the integrity and safety of the global supply chain for CBD and its related products. Due to being backed by blockchain and artificial intelligence, it is our goal to provide an answer to all these issues, via one globally accessible Trading platform.

Raw material traded on Cannyx Markets UK Ltd

The key products that will be traded on the exchange as a ‘commodity’ will be primarily hemp-based:

  • CBD Extracts (Isolates, Distillates, Oil and Tinctures)
  • Seeds
  • Leaves
  • Terpenes
  • Flowers
  • Biomass

These commodities will be sold and procured on the Cannyx Markets UK Ltd platform anonymously, 24/7, with price points reflecting the latest data and information within the global hemp and cannabis industry.

Three core market venues of Cannyx Markets UK Ltd:

Primary market

This market is targeted at ‘tier 1’ suppliers and buyers such as Pharma, CBD, Cosmetic and Food & Beverage entities looking at large quantities of raw materials.

Junior Market

This is a marketplace for SME buyers, with quantities of raw material ranging from up to 5kgs.

CANNYX® Tradex

This is a broker terminal via mobile devices for market traders globally to access market prices and data and trade on behalf of their clients.

Criteria for sellers & buyers to register on the platform

To ensure the protection of our Cannyx Markets UK Ltd buyers, there is a stringent due diligence process for prospective sellers on the Cannyx Markets UK Ltd platform. Specific documentation will need to be submitted and approved during the application process including a comprehensive Certificate of Analysis of all raw materials carried out by an approved Third Party Laboratory, organic certification where relevant, GMP certification from GMP compliant companies, proof of extracting methods and country of origin.

This will help guarantee that our ‘gold standard’ of trading CBD raw materials is adhered to by all our members, to give buyers piece of mind that there is full traceability for all raw materials at competitive prices and is internationally accessible.

Cannyx Markets UK Ltd represents a new stage within the global CBD industry where accountability, transparency and regulatory compliance will ensure the continued rise of this exciting industry. If you are prospective buyer or seller of CBD and want to know how you can directly benefit from Cannyx Markets UK Ltd, please reach out to find out more information and how you can become involved.


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