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The role of trauma healing in offender rehabilitation

The role of trauma healing in offender rehabilitation

Correctional leaders are confronted with implementing the goal of offender rehabilitation in the context of limited funding for treatment programs. The pursuit of rehabilitation and trauma healing is further impeded by rising mental health problems in jails and prisons.
Cornerstone: An independent expert property damage surveying company

Cornerstone: An independent expert property damage surveying company

Cornerstone provides independent expert property investigations for a host of clients, including Social, Local Authority, and Private Housing, NHBC, Structural Surveyors, and Insurance providers, seeking to define the root causes of reported damp, condensation, and mould.
UK economic impacts of Brexit

UK economic impacts of Brexit

The economic impacts of Brexit on the UK are still widely debated; however, most research suggests that it has had a negative effect, the extent of which is still disputable.
Population and immigration: Some fallacies and neglected benefits

Population and immigration: Some fallacies and neglected benefits

In this eBook, I will discuss some very common fallacies regarding population and immigration, together with some important neglected points. I will try to do so in a way easy to understand and give some references for more rigorous discussions.

Harassment and violence at work: A collective responsibility and endeavour

Notwithstanding the implementation of legislation on national and subnational levels and research demonstrating the enormous costs and impacts for individuals, workplaces, and governments, harassment and violence at work continues to be a pervasive problem worldwide.
Deliberative Negotiation

Deliberative negotiation: Unearthing the path toward political collaboration

Here we examine harmonious political collaboration and negotiation, exploring the complexities of political negotiation and unearthing the path to a reinvigorated collective political narrative.
Female entrepreneurs

Female entrepreneurs: Do women run their businesses differently than men?

Dr. Jennifer E. Jennings from the University of Alberta shares findings from several of her research studies examining whether women entrepreneurs organize and manage their business ventures in ways that are distinct from those led by men.
Swindon and Wiltshire, SWLEP Support Matters

Swindon & Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership support matters

A year in review: An overview of the Swindon and Wiltshire Economy in 2021.
Risk Management and Information Governance

Core governance activities: Risk management and information governance

Risk management and information governance are two core governance activities. Without both disciplines in place, few organisations can expect to achieve sustainable success. While they are essential separately, they complement each other.
The benefits of cyber security awareness training with universities

The benefits of cyber security awareness training within universities

This eBook explores the ever growing importance of ensuring adequate cyber security awareness training within universities.
meeting rooms, workplace

Workplace transformations for more engaging meeting rooms

Do we still need meeting rooms? What the 6 types of pre-pandemic office ‘meetings' can teach us about the future of the workplace
getting building fund

Getting Building Fund delivers in Swindon & Wiltshire

Here, the Swindon and Wiltshire team explain how the Getting Building Fund is delivering in the area - with big expectations for future investments.
Swindon Wiltshire growth hub

The Swindon and Wiltshire Growth Hub

Here, the Swindon and Wiltshire Growth Hub team explain how they are supporting businesses and delivering projects.
COVID-19 crisis

Changes to ways of working during the COVID-19 crisis

Here, Alison White discusses navigating the 'new normal' - how will changes to ways of working during the COVID-19 crisis stay with us?
Progressive State Leadership

Progressive State Leadership

Here, Professor Richard Beardsworth discusses progressive state leadership via the new, Biden US administration and the global fight against climate change.

After COVID-19, what does the workplace of the future look like?

Here, Alison White and Fintan Burke discuss post-COVID return to the workplace and what that future could look like.
CBD and hemp, Lifescience Legal Design

Lifescience Legal Design

Here, Lifescience Legal Design discuss the legal status of CBD and hemp in the European Union.
medical cannabis and hemp, Lifescience Legal Design

Lifescience Legal Design

Here, Lifescience Legal Design analyse the current situation of medical cannabis and hemp regulation, discussing the ongoing plans of the US, UK and the EU.
pandemic times, online lecture

How to create and deliver an online lecture: A survival guide during pandemic times

Professor Darren Griffin, University of Kent, and Dr Julia Stephenson, Brunel University London, discuss how to create and deliver an online lecture during these pandemic times
black swans, public administration

Rare organisational failure with severe consequences

Here, Professor Wolfgang Seibel explains how “black swans” in public administration are responsible for disasters like Grenfell.

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