
Open Access Government highlights the latest education news in the UK. Analysis of schools, colleges, universities, further and higher education and teaching is also available.

We have articles on special needs in education and the growing understanding of child mental health. Articles are also available concerning university fees and policy changes within higher education. Popular topics such as Women’s place in STEM subjects and the growth and importance of the digital transformation in education.

You will also be able to find articles on teachers experiences and the increase in apprenticeships across the UK within this category.

gender digital divide, education

The role of teachers and teacher educators in addressing the gender digital divide

Gender equality is essential to develop and sustain the capacity for sustainable development although, ironically, STEM subjects and professions see the greatest gender digital divide and especially in developing economies.
STEM skills

Education priorities and STEM skills in the US

The US Department of Education’s mission is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence, advancing STEM skills, and ensuring equal access
early childhood education

EX-PED-LAB- Sustainable designs for Early Childhood Education Professional Development through workshop methodology

EX-PED-LAB is a response to the call for generating scholarly knowledge about exploration as a methodology for early childhood education.
Chinese college admissions, universities

Reform in the Chinese college admissions policies

Chinese college admissions policies affect the educational experiences and labour market outcomes for millions of students each year.
inter-university research

Japan: Inter-university research to generate more knowledge

Prof Dr Preethi Kesavan, Head, School of Technology at LSBF Singapore, discusses how to promote academic and inter-university.
girls in education, sub-saharan africa

Language can be a barrier for girls in education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Girls in education are at a higher chance of success at school in Sub-Saharan Africa if they can already speak ­­English – as taught language can affect academic accomplishment.
inclusive higher education

Addressing barriers to inclusive higher education in China

James Pitman, Managing Director UK and Europe, Study Group, addresses the barriers to inclusive higher education (HE) in China.
gender equality in education, female incarceration rate

Female incarceration rates decrease with gender equality in education

Research finds that with greater gender equality in education there is a lower prison admission rate for females – but not males.
Right to education

The failed promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the right to...

Anantha Duraiappah, Director at UNESCO, MGIEP, details failed promises of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on the right to education.
speech patterns, language learning

We develop our language learning skills through speech patterns

Looking at speech patterns throughout history, the processing of language is based on how frequently we hear sounds - which causes gradual language change.
higher education institutions, technological advances

What key changes could improve higher education institutions?

Three key changes to expect in higher education institutions include engaging hands-on courses, technological advances and upskilling.
catch-up programmes in education, literacy gap

Closing the literacy gap via catch-up programmes in education

Andrea Welter, assistant head teacher from Pheasey Park Primary School, explains why successful catch-up programmes in education need to focus on closing the literacy gap.
private school education, mental health

Private school education does not lead to better mental health

A national survey finds that state school pupils are just as happy with their lives as counterparts who received private school education.
literacy skills

Study: Boosting childhood literacy skills through Naptime

According to new research, early literacy skills in children aged between four and five can be boosted by daytime naps
studying in Japan, space exploration

Education equals innovation when studying in Japan

Open Access Government discuss Japan’s focus on supporting young researchers to help achieve the country’s scientific research and development goals when studying in Japan.
learning english, education system

Is tech the key to learning English as an additional language?

Joe Miller, general manager of the Americas and Europe, Pocketalk, looks at the language issues in education and the solutions that can help those learning English.
STEM workforce, problem-solving

Training a new generation of problem solvers

How can education programmes develop the problem-solving skills of today’s schoolchildren and tomorrow’s STEM workforce?
early childhood education, nor child

NORCHILD: Unique early childhood education & care

Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Director & Professor in Early Childhood Pedagogy from Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, lifts the lid on NORCHILD, a unique research school for early childhood education & care.
universities as corporate parents

The role of universities as Corporate Parents in Scotland

Clarifying what kind of support is provided by universities in Scotland, as ‘Corporate Parents’, to children and young people who have experienced social care in the UK in comparison with Japan.
girls STEM education, education sector

Learning with technology in public and higher education

Dean Emeritus Katy Campbell, University of Alberta, discusses the future of girls and women in STEM education.

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