
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.

How language and communication barriers affect UK government organisations

Joe Miller, Pocketalk General Manager of the Americas and Europe, explores how language and communication barriers affect UK government organisations & the solutions available.

Physical destruction of SSDs: a burden to the UK economy

The UK economy is in recovery: can we be confident that the government is being prudent with the finances at their disposal? What about the physical destruction of SSDs?
predictive modelling, covid-19

How predictive modelling can future-proof the public sector

Spiralling inflation, rising energy bills and an escalating cost of living crisis have left millions of people struggling to afford basic necessities; could future predictive modelling stop this from happening again.
rwanda deportation flight, asylum seekers

Rwanda deportation flight cancelled due to ECHR court ruling

Overruling by the ECHR has left the Rwanda deportation flight grounded in the UK, where asylum seekers are to face longer legal challenges with the Home Office.
germany's future

Education, science & research for Germany’s future

Promoting the policy areas of education, science and research are crucial for Germany’s future prosperity according to the BMBF.

Support for public sector bodies struggling to embed the PPN06/20 Social Value Model

Neil Macdonald, CEO at Thrive, explains how using the Impact Evaluation Standard to report on social value in government contracts can actually lead to far better outcomes for communities and for suppliers.
gun violence restraining order, mass shooting, red laws

Could gun violence restraining orders prevent mass shootings in the US?

Gun violence restraining orders already exist in some states, and research finds that they may contribute to more gun safety and potentially, lower rates of mass shootings.
republican counties, covid-19

People in Republican counties more likely to die from COVID-19

The partisan divide across the United States found that Republican counties suffer from higher mortality rates from the COVID-19 pandemic.
simplicity, messaging

Simplicity: Making complicated messages resonate with your audience

Simplicity of messaging is one of the hardest things to achieve, but it’s essential if you want to cut through to make an impact.
new procurement bill, business

UK’s New Procurement Bill to replace 350 EU laws for business growth

A more flexible and simple New Procurement Bill is to replace 350 of the EU’s laws to drive economic growth and open business for SMEs.
volunteering, net zero

Volunteering is vital to the UK’s environmental and social goals

Volunteering is at the forefront of how the UK can achieve its environmental and social goals, by improving the Net-Zero movement, and holding vast economic significance.
contract management pioneer programme

Boosting commercial capability with the Contract Management Pioneer Programme

The Contract Management Pioneer Programme is boosting commercial capability across the public sector, Crown Commercial Service writes.
terror attacks

Threats from terror attacks and keeping communities safe

Cllr Nesil Caliskan, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Safer, Stronger Communities Board, explains how councils take terror attack threats very seriously and work hard with partners in keeping communities safe & connected.
net zero targets, local governments

53% of UK councils not confident about net zero targets

Senior figures in local government doubt their authorities are on track to meet net zero targets, with a quarter of councils aiming for 2050.
UK Shared prosperity fund

Major winners & losers through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Nigel Wilcock, Executive Director of the Institute of Economic Development, provides analysis on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, arguing that “the landscape is most definitely being tidied up after years of confusing approaches”.
future of local government

Digital transformation in the future of local government

David Bemrose, Head of Account Strategy for Local Government at Crown Commercial Service (CCS), introduces a new digital transformation guide.

How do we activate AI in the public sector?

Sofia Ihsan, Trusted AI Lead at EY, explains her stance on activating AI in the public sector.
effective governance

Training & consultancy in effective governance, risk & compliance

Michael Wuestefeld-Gray at WuDo Solutions discusses how to deliver effective governance for the public, private and charity sectors.

Health Commissioner says EU will tackle “causes of vaccine hesitancy”

Speaking to COVI on Thursday (12 May), Commissioner Stella Kyriakides announced upcoming health measures for the bloc - including strategies against "causes of vaccine hesitancy."
European Bauhaus

What is the New European Bauhaus and how is it inspired by the 1919...

Rudolf Kolbe, co-rapporteur for the EESC opinion on the New European Bauhaus; member, European Economic & Social Committee (EESC); vice-president of the Diversity Europe Group (Group III), shares his thoughts on the New European Bauhaus.

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