
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.

europe day, young europeans

Europe Day: All eyes on Ukraine and young Europeans’ vision for the future

Cillian Lohan, Member of the Diversity Europe Group of the EESC, discusses the possibilities of Europe Day in light of recent events.
girls in care, criminalisation

‘Immense harm’ created by the criminalisation of girls in care

Girls in care frequently experience discrimination with the law, as they are overpoliced and overlooked by the system.
social value

Social value: A better investment all round

Paul Styler, Director of Infrastructure Solutions, ETL, argues that social value can be a greater driver for investment over financial gain.
COVID policy in care homes, untested patients

UK COVID policy in care homes ruled “unlawful”

The UK High Court ruled yesterday (28 April) that COVID policy in care homes was "unlawful" - releasing atleast 43,398 untested patients into care homes.

Model systems of medicolegal death investigation

Chief Medical Examiner Victor W. Weedn, MD, JD, highlights the ways in which medicolegal death investigation (MDI) systems vary widely in the U.S. and the world.
EU pandemic committee, virus response

EU pandemic committee begins review of response to COVID

The EU pandemic committee, created in March, 2022, has elected a Chair and will now begin to look at the European response to the virus.
uk herd immunity, covid regulations

UK herd immunity: Is the lack of COVID regulation working?

Having lifted most of its COVID regulations – spikes in infections show that UK herd immunity through vaccination programmes is not efficient in the long run.
unregistered children, education

There will be 100 million unregistered children worldwide, by 2030

Obstacles to registering births across Africa has led to millions of unregistered children – potentially preventing people from attaining essential human rights later in life.
transgender conversion therapy, LGBT organisation

UK Government excludes transgender conversion therapy from ban 

The UK government have partially banned conversion therapy for gay and bisexual individuals, while transgender conversion therapy is still legal.
women in politics, democracy

The great democratic deficit of women in politics

Gender parity in the public sector remains an essential endeavour: with diversity and inclusion at the forefront of modern politics, we still beg the question, where are all the women?
high inflation, taxes

High inflation leaves 1.3 million people facing poverty 

The Spring Statement unveils more hits to standards of living in the UK, where millions face high inflation rates and rising costs.
smarter working

Smarter working and the public estate: Progress and pitfalls

Tom Shrive, CEO of askporter offers insight into why smarter working in the security of the public estate is important in 2022 and beyond.
social value act, levelling up

Levelling Up: How to create social value in 2022

This year, the government set out their vision for ‘levelling up’ the UK. Guy Battle, CEO, Social Value Portal, provides a response to the white paper and some words of wisdom for anyone looking to reduce inequality in their community.
Administration of justice

From crime scene to courtroom: Advancing the fair administration of justice

National Institute of Justice forensic science research is strengthening the fair and impartial administration of justice, explains Jonathan McGrath, Senior Policy Analyst, National Institute of Justice, Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences
COP27, COP president

Towards COP27: Climate leadership, the UK presidency and the Russian dilemma

Richard Beardsworth continues his series on political leadership, examining the UK's presidency in the run-up to COP27 in Egypt and the implications of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for political leadership on climate.
ukrainians with passports , ukrainian refugees

Ukrainians with passports can apply for UK asylum, without biometric details

The UK announced an 'easing' of requirements for Ukrainians with passports, who can apply for asylum online - without in-person biometric details.
reoffending cycle

Breaking the reoffending cycle: Reforms to employment support

The Prisons Strategy White Paper, outlines the UK governments vision to develop a modernised prison estate and cut crime through more effective offender rehabilitation
sexual violence, sexual violence against women

EU crackdown on sexual violence against women

The European commission is calling for tougher and more robust legislation to protect women from sexual violence.
300 ukrainian refugees, ukrainian refugees

UK Government accepts just 300 Ukrainian refugees so far 

The UK’s visa process needs to be sped up to grant up to 200,000 refugees from Ukraine – currently, only 300 Ukrainian refugees have been let through.
forensic pathology

A history of medicolegal death investigation and forensic pathology

Victor W. Weedn, MD, JD, Former Chief Medical Examiner at the Maryland Department of Health offers fascinating insights into the history of medicolegal death investigation and origins of forensic pathology

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