
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.

cut food waste

Government awards £4 million to cut food waste

The government has awarded more than £4 million to four redistribution organisations across England to help overcome barriers to cut food waste.
myanmar laws, press freedom

Myanmar laws need to change following release of journalists

Myanmar laws on press freedom must change after the release of Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, who spent more than 500 days in prison due to their coverage of a Rohingya massacre by Myanmar forces.
brunei death penalty, Syariah Penal Code Order

Brunei death penalty will not be repealed or implemented

The Brunei death penalty is not being repealed by authorities despite international pressure, with the defence that they do not intend to carry out executions under this law.
evasive Prime minister, theresa may

Theresa May: The most evasive Prime Minister?

Research at the University of York has shown that British Prime Minister, Theresa May, is the most evasive when responding to questions compared to the last four Conservative Prime Ministers.
venezuela violent response, anti-government protest

Venezuela: Violent response to anti-government protests

Reports of violence by security forces against anti-government protests in Venezuela raise fears of widespread violations of human rights against opposition supporters in the days to come, Human Rights Watch said today (3 May 2019).
government projects, new agile approach

The need for a new agile approach in government projects

Jim Berrisford, COO of Step5, explains why he believes that government projects are often too long, too slow, too inflexible and calls for a new agile approach.
social housing sector, customer experience

How can the social housing sector improve its customer experience?

The social housing sector must see tenants in the wider context and improve its customer experience, Chris Proctor, CEO at Oneserve discusses here.
human rights abuses, world press freedom day

Journalists who uncover human rights abuses “under increasing attack”

On World Press Freedom Day, Amnesty International UK are calling for increased protection for journalists working to uncover human rights abuses in the UK.
brexit uncertainty

How can small businesses cope with Brexit uncertainty?

Dun & Bradstreet's report revealed that 40% of UK SMBs experienced slowed growth and falling exports due to Brexit uncertainty and a third felt that the struggle to calculate its impact was making planning and future growth challenging.
declaring climate emergency, extinction rebellion

UK parliament to discuss declaring “climate emergency”

Today, a Labour-led debate is being held by UK Parliament to discuss the possibility of declaring a “climate emergency” in the wake of Extinction Rebellion protests.
shared prosperity fund

What is going on with the Shared Prosperity Fund?

Nigel Wilcock, Executive Director, Institute of Economic Development, expresses his frustrations with the lack of communication on the Shared Prosperity Fund consultation.
killed in syria, civilians killed

US Congress wants numbers on civilians killed in Syria

Tomorrow is the deadline for the US Department of Defense to report to Congress how many civilians they have killed in Syria: Will the Department acknowledge the genuine figure or deflate it?
vaping retailers, age verification

The challenges for age verification for online vaping retailers

Alastair Graham, CEO of AgeChecked, discusses how vaping retailers can conduct online age checks to ensure that no products are sold illegally to anyone under the age of 18.
LGBT inclusive education

Senior Labour MPs back LGBT inclusive education

Two high-profile Labour Members of Parliament have reaffirmed their party’s commitment to LGBT inclusive education across England.
home secretary social media, serious violence taskforce

Home Secretary: Social media “a platform to incite violence”

The UK Home Secretary announced £1.4 million for a specific social media focus by the police, consulting with social media companies at the latest Serious Violence Taskforce.
women in custody, sanitary products

Women in custody will have access to sanitary products

The UK government are planning to change the law: Police will have to ask women in custody whether they will require sanitary products, according to the Home Office.
cross-party collaboration, brexit collaboration

Why did it take so long for UK cross-party collaboration over Brexit?

Simon Hill explores why a lack of cross-party collaboration is one of the biggest errors in the handling of Brexit over the past three years.
rogue landlords

Catching rogue landlords faster with new technology

Additional licenses provided by local councils under the new legislation for Houses of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs) will help stop rogue landlords Local councils across the...
social care staffing crisis

Brexit and the social care staffing crisis

Charles Armitage, CEO of Florence, highlights what nursing and care home managers need to be mindful of during Brexit uncertainty and the social care staffing crisis.
windrush scandal, amber rudd

The truth of the Windrush scandal: One year on

Today marks one year since Amber Rudd’s formal apology for her actions against the Windrush migrants: Amnesty examines what really happened, what the effects are to this moment and where the UK government can go from here.

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