
In our Government News category, you will find a wide variety of government issues both big and small. 

You can find information on big issues such as global immigration and human rights issues along with Brexit news, negotiations and updates. This section also covers Local governments and their digital transformation along with the popular issues of period poverty and the process of acknowledging this problem.

How and what AID is provided by the UK across the world is another topic covered in detail in this category. Additionally, you can also find regular commentary from legal professionals on changing and adapting laws in the UK. We regularly cover government updates on the implementation of crime legislation and the UK housing landscape.


The importance of smarter working practices in government

MF Warrender of Open Access Government explores the importance of smarter working practices across government Established in 2010, The Government Property Unit (GPU) works with...

Rise of the robots in the public sector

Paul Tomlinson, CEO of IEG4, argues that the public sector stands to benefit most from Artificial Intelligence A government report published last month: “Growing the...
the public purse

Government could save £10m by sharing phone contracts according to The Public Purse

The Public Purse has claimed this week; that the public sector could save over £10 million pounds in this year’s budget within the next 12...
Government Property Unit

Rationalising the UK government estate through the Government Property Unit

The Government Property Unit aims to streamline the public-sector estate and generate better value for money from its assets, as OAG discovers The Government Property...
Agile in Government

Offering Certainty in an Uncertain World – The future of Agile in Government Services

It’s hard to be Agile in Government. Within an elected government delivery is expected to mirror a published manifesto. Do something different, and the words ‘U-turn’ threaten within the corridors of power.
service desk

How can a Service Desk improve Government?

Dave Aspindle, Head of Public Sector at Littlefish explains how getting the Service Desk right can dramatically improve the government’s efficiency. It goes without saying,...
Potential Brexit deal

The UK has 48 hours to agree to a potential Brexit deal so talks...

Michel Barnier has told EU member states that the UK has 48 hours to agree to a potential Brexit deal in order for negotiations to continue
Bilingualism in Canada

Green jobs, bilingualism, and youth: A winning combination

A group of experts from Fédération de la jeunesse Canadienne-française lift the lid on English and French linguistic minorities and bilingualism in Canada
Finnish Economy

The outlook of the Finnish economy

Finland’s Ministry of Finance lifts the lid on the current phase of rapid growth of the Finnish economy and their expectations for the same in 2018
closer to a Brexit deal

May comes closer to a Brexit deal, but Irish border remains a sticking point

Theresa May is in Brussels and is said to be getting closer to a Brexit deal but talks on the status of Northern Ireland have not progressed
Indigenous affairs

A renewed relationship with Indigenous peoples and Indigenous affairs

In this article, Minister Carolyn Bennett details her key priorities concerning the advancement of Indigenous Affairs in Canada
open government

Welcome to the era of open government

Director, Policy & Community at BCS David Evans provides an expert insight into the world of open government digital services
EU single market

Why the EU Single Market has still not reached its full potential

Marco Hafner shares his insights into why the EU Single Market has still not yet reached its full potential and where it can go in the future
security union

Searching for the silver bullet: towards a more effective Security Union

European Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King underlines the role of the EU and national governments in keeping citizens safe
immigration centre abuse

Independent review ordered into immigration centre abuse

G4S has ordered an independent review into alleged immigration centre abuse as reports emerge of staff 'mocking and assaulting' detainees
canadian youth

Promoting the issues affecting Canadian Youth

Jonathan Miles from Open Access Government profiles the work the Minister of Canadian Heritage and what she does for Candian youth
asylum policy

Diversity in the neighbourhood drives support for a generous asylum policy

Dr Gideon Bolt at Utrecht University shares his expert perspective on attitudes towards asylum policy in Europe
in-cabinet talks

Theresa May holds in-cabinet talks on looming Brexit ‘divorce’ bill

Theresa May is due to hold in-cabinet talks on the state of Brexit negotiations with the EU as the 'divorce bill' halts progress
life in America

Understanding the rich history of life in America

Deborah Thomas from Library of Congress reveals the astonishing resource created by The National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP) and what it reveals about everyday life in America
terrorist threat

Crime, terrorist threat, and inappropriate public behaviour

Anton Pieterse, Managing Director of physical security equipment provider Safetell specialising in counter-terror solutions, comments on terrorist threat

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